Search Results for: astrocartography Articles

The Basics of Astrocartography

​Have you ever traveled to a place you’ve never been to and feel like you just belong there? It could be tied to your birth chart! While most followers of astrology are comfortable with the classic methods of zodiac alignment, natal charts, and their influence on the spiritual self, those

A Skeptic’s Guide to Tarot

​There is an odd phenomenon among those in the metaphysical arts community, where we’re inclined to only believe in certain systems of divination and healing. Some might swear by astrology, but scoff at the idea of astrocartography – despite being branches of the same tree; there are people who don’t

How Does Vedic Astrology Differ From Western Astrology?

There are some key differences between Vedic and Western astrology that can help you expand your own understanding of astrology. Vedic astrology is the traditional Hindu system of astrology. Known as Jyotish in Hindu, Vedic astrology literally means “the science of light.” In the most basic sense, Vedic astrology is

Planning a Road Trip? Discover the Perfect Destination, Based on Your Sign

So you’re thinking of taking a trip, but where should you go? There’s nothing quite like the open road: your favorite tunes blasting on the stereo, wind in your hair and an assortment of not-so-healthy, convenient snack foods. A road trip is one rare form of travel wherein the journey

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