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Hair Dream Definition

Similar Dreams: Hat, Iron/Ironing, Naked, Mask, Dance/Dancing Hair in a dream represents strength and virility. Think of Samson in the Biblical story Samson and Delilah. His hair gave him the strength of a hundred men, but when it was chopped off, he lost all his strength. There are many different meanings for hair in your dream, so know that if the

Airplane Dream Meaning

Similar Dreams: Flying, Helicopter, Vacation, Travel The theme of the airplane has one clear message: moving in a certain direction in life. In other words, airplanes in dreams are all about movement. When you dream about an airplane it often means that the time of stagnation that you are experiencing is over and it’s time to

Dream Interpretation

What is a Dream? A dream is a sensory experience generated by your subconscious mind while your physical body is asleep. Dreams can be realistic reflections of one’s real-life environment, or they can be complete fantasies.  Everyone has dreams, approximately 4-6 each night—though you may not always remember them when you awaken. Everyone dreams differently. Here are

Astrology Chart

Similar: Birth Chart An astrology chart uses a specific mathematical calculation to move the planets through the chart, as opposed to a transit report, which uses the planets’ actual movements. This interpretation method can be progressed, and then the positions of the planets in their new place can be explained by

A Dream Interpretation Tarot Reading

Can you interpret dreams with Tarot readings? In short – the answer is yes! It takes a bit of practice and skill, but it is something anyone can do. One thing that dreams and the Tarot have in common is that they both have a strong and powerful connection with

A Crystal Pairing for Your Tarot Cards

Tarot cards and crystals tend to go hand in hand. Why, you may ask? For one thing, they are both thoroughly useful tools for enabling us to gain access to our subconscious mind and the spirit world. Tarot cards have an uncanny way of helping us understand situations, people, and

How to Cleanse & Repair Your Life’s Karma With Numerology

If you love numerology, you’re probably also familiar with the concept of a Life Path number. After all, we use personal numbers like these to understand our cosmic destiny or gain a bit of insight as to why we’re here. But did you know that there’s more? One lesser-known number

Weekly Astrology Forecast: January 25 – 31, 2021

We have two big astrological events this week that you won’t want to miss friends! The first is the Leo Full Moon on Thursday, which promises to add a bit of fun to the week. The second major astrological event to be aware of for this week’s astrology overview is

Cancer Woman: Personality Traits & Characteristics of the Female Cancer

A Cancer woman is many things. According to Cancer astrology, she’s mysterious and complex, ruled by her emotions, but sometimes she’ll keep them bottled up inside under her hard shell. Depending on who you ask, Cancer women are intriguing or frustrating, and she can go from compassionate and loving to

The Masculine & Feminine in Astrology

Understanding the masculine and feminine energies in astrology can help us see much more clearly how the planets affect us and having this insight will help us better understand people. When we know the introverted (feminine) and extroverted (masculine) signs, we can better understand the birth chart as well as

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