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Wedding Dream Meaning

Similar Dreams: Marriage, Intimacy, Kissing A wedding is a very common dream symbol, and this is seen by dreamers that are both married and single alike. In many cases dreaming of a wedding is quite literal, and a wedding may be in your future. In other cases, however, a wedding symbolizes a new beginning in

Water Dream Meaning

Similar Dreams: Storm, Earth, Mirror, Painting If you see water in your dreams, your emotions are front and center the focus of the dream, as water always signifies our emotional undercurrents. From an astrological perspective, the Water signs in the zodiac (Scorpio, Pisces, and Cancer) are the most emotional signs of the zodiac, and this makes them also the most intuitive

Wagon Dream Meaning

Similar Dreams: Luggage, Juggling, Painting, Ladder A wagon in our waking life symbolizes an object that takes on loads and transports them from one place to the next. In our dream life, the symbol generally means the same thing. So if you see a wagon in your dream, the details that are around that wagon or in that

Voyeurism Dream Meaning

Similar Dreams: Intimacy, Underwear, Woman, Unknown Voyeurism is defined as observing people while they undress or engage in activities. In movies and television, we often see this depicted as scary stalkers and peeping toms, but this is actually a consensual fantasy that is very common. In fact, it is a latent fantasy that some dream

Vasectomy Dream Meaning

Similar Dreams: Baby, Father, Hospital Having the vasectomy operation in our waking life is a procedure that renders males incapable of having children. This is a common surgery that is one of the most popular forms of male birth control, but not a common dream to have. If a vasectomy appears in your dream life, this symbol

Valley Dream Meaning

Similar Dreams: Quarry, Garden, Earth, Forest Dreaming of a valley or any type of landscape is deeply rooted in our innermost desires. Freudian interpretation suggests that the symbol of a valley has a sexual connotation and contemporary theories are not that much different than Freud’s. Modern interpretations suggest that a valley represents bridges and journeys in intimacy and

Vaccination Dream Meaning

Similar Dreams: Infection, Hospital, Zero A vaccination in our waking life is a medical immunization that we receive in order to protect ourselves against something that could harm or even kill us. This medical advancement helps us develop the immune system to protect us from disease. In a dream, vaccines have very similar effects. The symbol is trying to

Vacation Dream Meaning

Similar Dreams: Travel, Luggage, Airplane Taking a vacation in your dream can be a joyful experience, but it also has a number of important meanings! If a vacation shows up in your dream, one literal interpretation of this symbol is that a vacation in your waking life is on your horizon. If not, then perhaps your

Unknown Dream Meaning

Similar Dreams: Spirits, Death, Letter X Dreaming of the ‘unknown’ can be very mysterious indeed! Many people say they don’t experience the unknown in their dreams, as it all feels unknown to them. The truth is, our dreams are far more normal and known to us than we think if we only just

Unemployed Dream Meaning

Similar Dreams: Office, Home, Keys The feeling of unemployment is associated with many other feelings, most of them unpleasant. These are feelings of fear, insecurity, loss, stress, and anxiety over the unknown. So when the notion of unemployment crops up in a dream, these feelings are likely to crop up as well. This symbol appearing

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