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Your Weekly Numerology Forecast for September 19 – 25, 2022

Welcome back, stargazers! Our numerology forecast is an exciting one this week as we are focusing on themes of harmony, partnership, and finding a balance within ourselves. This is enhanced by lots of Libra energy on the way, with the Sun moving into Libra and a New Moon in Libra at the

What Does the Moon in Scorpio Mean?

The Moon and her mysteriously palpable and influential energy must not be overlooked, especially when it comes to astrology. The Moon’s pull affects the ocean’s tides, the growth of crops, the collective subconscious, and perhaps most importantly, our emotions. The Moon rules over our subconscious and unconscious minds, our dreams,

Your Weekly Numerology Forecast for July 25 – 31, 2022

Are you ready for your weekly numerology forecast? It’s all about our favorite Fixed Fire sign, Leo, this week! The solar energy moved into Leo last week, and this week we have a powerful New Moon in Leo. So what does this mean for everyone, and above all, what does

Letter ‘X’ Dream Meaning

Similar Dream: Letter K, X-Ray, Xerox, Xylophone X marks the spot! But, what does that spot mean? What lies beyond the dream symbols we see? The alphabet can take on a new meaning in dreams. Seeing the letter “X” in your dream is a very common and symbolic occurrence. It actually appears more than any

Letter ‘K’ Dream Meaning

Similar Dreams: Letter X, Kaleidoscope, Kangaroo, Karma, Kettle, Keys, Kidnapping, Kissing We don’t always see concrete images in our dreams, but on occasion, one or two symbols may creep through that leave us a little confused. Letters usually fall into this category because the context of them in our dreams matters in order to find the true meaning.

Number 11

Similar: Numerology, Number 9, Number 22, Number 33 11 is the first of the three Master numbers. Where 11 appears in your reading, it’s usually not reduced to a single digit but interpreted as its own energy. The name “Master number” doesn’t mean that you’re a master of anything in this lifetime, nor does it mean

What Does the Moon in Aries Mean?

In astrology, the importance of the Moon and its effect on our Earthly world down here cannot be understated. Did you know that the Moon’s energetic pull is strong enough to affect the ocean’s tides and even the success of your home garden? It should come as no surprise then

Survive the Upcoming New Moon & Solar Eclipse in Taurus

Mark your calendars cosmic warriors! We’re officially in eclipse season! After a month of raring-to-go Aries energy, get ready to step into earthy vibes with a New Moon solar eclipse in Taurus on April 30th, 2022. Eclipses herald a time of abrupt life changes. There’s an “It’s-meant-to-be” energy this month

Zodiac Signs

On the day you were born at your specific birth time, you inherited a unique set of personality traits based on the positions and transits of the planets in our solar system. The position of the Sun at this time determines your astrology sign, also known as your Sun sign, star sign,

What Will Happen When Venus & Mars Both Enter Aquarius?

On the morning of March 6th, we have a very exciting moment when Venus and Mars both enter Aquarius within a seven-minute time span. This will create a conjunction until the end of the month and things look set to heat up in the most unique and dazzling way! In

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