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Venus Conjunct Jupiter Lovescopes: Love Outside the Box

Valentine’s Day is fast approaching, and with that, the planets bring us a lovely aspect: Venus conjunct Jupiter in Aquarius! What exactly does this mean? Something big and exciting! This aspect went exact on February 11th, so we’re under its influence right now. 2020 did not have Venus conjunct Jupiter

How to Attract Your Soul Mate This Christmas

Christmas is all about connecting with our loved ones and appreciating those connections under the sparkling lights all around us. But the holidays can also be a lonely time, and many of us will be wishing for more than just our two front teeth from Santa this year. There’s an

The Inspiring Message You Need Most, Based on Your Moon Sign

Stressed, confused, or could use a bit of a pick-me-up? Don’t fret — the stars have got your back. When all seems to be going south, or the clouds won’t seem to stop fogging your vision, there is always astrology to light the path ahead. It doesn’t need to be

How to Use Your Expression Number in Numerology

Did you know that your name can hold the key to understanding more about yourself? You might already have calculated your Life Path Number (if you haven’t, you can learn how to do that by reading: Calculating Your Life Path number or test out our Numerology Life Path Number Calculator), but

How to Get Through a Breakup, Based on Your Element

They say that breaking up with a significant other is hard to do, and when it falls under an intense astrological influence, it can actually be even harder! Have you ever wished that a breakup could be made better? Or even maybe a little bit easier? The answer is yes,

​Are You in Sync With Your Numerological Destiny​?

You may have observed the stars, studied the Tarot cards, and become one with the phases of the Moon — but are you in tune with your numerological destiny? If you’ve ever seen repeating numbers and chalked it up to a simple sign or synchronicity without knowing what it meant,

How Your Venus Sign Can Help You Connect During Social Distancing

We’re collectively living through a challenging time filled with uncertainty and isolation that most of us have never experienced previously. It can be hard to feel connected right now, especially when we’re still practicing social distancing and following safer-at-home orders. Yet, connection is one of the most important things in

Which Planet Rules Your Chinese Zodiac Sign?

We know the planets in Western Astrology each rule one of the 12 signs in the zodiac, but which planets rule each sign in the Chinese Zodiac? To find this out, we need to look at the Western counterpart to each Chinese Zodiac sign. The Chinese Zodiac, just like the

Saturn in Aquarius: Make Career Dreams Reality

Saturn is making a move into a new sign, Air sign Aquarius, and its time in Earth sign Capricorn will soon come to a close. Saturn is the planet that naturally rules your career and professional goals, so when Saturn moves into a new sign, this can impact the way

Lucky Crystals for the Master Numbers in 2020

The immersion into the Age of Aquarius has already brought significant change on both an individual and global scale. Individually, people are beginning to ‘wake up’. This means that a number of people are beginning to shed their skin in the physical world and enter the path of spiritual awakening,

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