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Align Your Soul & Career with Saturn Sextile Neptune

Have you been in a bit of a career tail-spin? Maybe you have had a pattern of dealing with difficult bosses or jobs that bore you? Well, whatever your career woes may be today, June 18th has some promising energy to help elevate your career to become something you enjoy

Numerology & The Number 5: What May Means

Everything is connected. To every element in our daily lives, we can attribute both an astrological component and a numerical component. In many cases, numbers consume more of our lives than the stars, whether we realize it or not. We have a street number, a house number, even our kitchen

Top 5 Myths About Aquarius

Aquarius is the second-to-last sign of the zodiac, the sign that bridges businesslike Capricorn and sensitive Pisces. Aquarius is the Fixed Air sign ruled by Uranus, and those born during the sign are known to be innovative and independent. However, they’re also known for being stand-offish, pushy, and isolated –

Manifest Your New Year’s Resolutions with the Moon Cycles

It’s time to set your New Year’s Resolutions for 2019! A new year is upon us and with the beginning of 2019 comes new goals. What are your personal and professional goals for the year the year? We have a strategy you can apply to make these goals happen and

Navigating the Holidays with Your New Beau: Is It Written In the Stars For You?

Whether or not you’re going into the holidays in a brand new relationship, the holidays and the family time that comes with them can be rather stress-inducing. Well, we’re here to teach you how to understand zodiac signs compatibility to ensure you have much more stable footing, even before you

What To Do if You’re Smitten but Your Zodiac Compatibility Isn’t Good

Of all the possible astrology questions, we probably get questions about compatibility the most. While there is some truth to how well the elements and signs gel together, most people who dive deeper into astrology see that there are many levels to compatibility that your birth chart helps you discover.

The Must Buy Holiday Gifts for Self-Transformation

If we are lucky enough to be making Holiday Gift Lists for those who would indulge us with presents this time of year, we can be spoiled for options. There are a lot of wants, but at the end of the day, we might be happier with good health and

Unleash Your Happiness Potential Through Numerology

Have you ever wondered how to find out what you were born to do? The answer might be easier than you think. Numerology has helped people to understand their purpose and approach to life for centuries. Your name isn’t an accident. It was given to you when you came into

Are We Born With A Life Path Number?

Welcome to another edition of ‘Ask Charla.′ You know, here at Astrology Answers I get a lot of questions from all corners of the globe; things to do with love and romance, chakras, tarot, astrology, numerology; if it′s metaphysical, then someone at some time has asked it! Are we born

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