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scorpio new moon

How to Embrace the November Scorpio New Moon – Read Your Horoscope NOW

It’s time once again to celebrate the restorative, refreshing energy of the New Moon. And this time around, we’ll experience one of the spookiest New Moons of the year because it’s occurring not only in the sign of Scorpio but also in the month of November. This transformative energy helps

four women in business suits standing together

How to Find Your Perfect Career Path With Numerology

What is the definition of the perfect job? Is it a job that pays well and doesn’t challenge you at all? Or is it a position that helps you grow as an individual and find your passion in life?  The truth is, one of the biggest features of the perfect

woman giving someone a reading using a birth chart

Here’s EXACTLY How to Get the Best Psychic Reading

Have you ever considered getting a psychic reading done? Maybe wondered if it would be accurate or not. Thought about where you would potentially go to get one? Well, you’ve come to the right place. We’re breaking down the benefits of getting an online psychic reading so you know exactly

Methods of Divination

We’ve compiled a guide to some beginner forms of divination, including chakras, palmistry, runes, and crystal pendulums. This is by no means a complete list—there are divination methods used by ancient civilizations worldwide. Some examples include: Ogham sticks rooted in Celtic traditions Bones used by the ancient Africans The Chinese

Money & Wealth

Each of the 12 astrological houses in our birth charts tells us about a certain area of our lives. While the sign or planet in your 3rd house will tell you a lot about how you communicate and express yourself, the 10th house is one of the three houses (including the 2nd and 6th houses) that can help

Your Sign’s Weekly Tarotscope for August 8 – 14, 2022

With a Full Moon popping up on the scene this week, there’s more than just Leo season to prepare for now! This week’s Full Moon will be in the humanitarian sign of Aquarius, sitting pretty (and opposing) the Leo Sun dominating the sky right now. It’ll take place on August

Based on your results you should actually be a Cancer!

Cancer Share your results: Facebook Twitter Pinterest Email If you related mostly to the sign of Cancer, then your home life is very important to you. You might play a traditional role of the homemaker or the breadwinner. You’ll delight in your creature comforts and sharing them with others, especially

Testimonials From Our Fans

The following individuals did not receive any payment for their testimonials. They are 100% voluntary and an accurate representation of their individual experiences. “Awakens in me a deeper sense of responsibility for paying attention to not only the decisions I make but how I make those decisions. The Guide was

Prepare for Neptune Retrograde in Pisces this Month

While we may feel familiar with Mercury retrograde—maybe even a bit too familiar—we often overlook the other planetary retrogrades that make an impact on our lives. And in the spotlight today is nebulous Neptune, ready to shift up its already mysterious energy by going retrograde in the sign of Pisces.

Zodiac Dream Meaning

Similar Dreams: Man, Woman, Tarot Cards It is not at all uncommon to dream of the zodiac, as it has become a part of our everyday vernacular. In fact, it is so popular because it is based on psychological principles. It was Carl Jung’s dream symbols that became archetypes that developed the zodiac system,

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