Search Results for: birth chart compatibility – Page 13 Articles

Mercury Retrograde in Virgo: Focus on the Positive

We’ve gotten pretty used to Mercury’s forward and backward dance through the skies. After all, this little planet does the retrograde tango roughly three times a year, and we’ve come to accept the quirks as little shmoos rather than huge discords. However, the upcoming Mercury retrograde in Virgo is accompanied

Career Tips for Taurus, Virgo & Capricorn — Earth Signs

Earth signs are the practical and steady ones of the zodiac. You need to create stability and security in your life. You don’t show off your wealth, you just enjoy the creature comforts that it provides for you. You often take jobs that aren’t particularly exciting, but which have stood

Career Tips for Gemini, Libra & Aquarius – Air Signs

Air signs are the thinkers of the zodiac, so you’re unlike to see them in emotional or creative jobs. If you’re a Gemini, a Libra, or an Aquarius, look for a field where a rational mind is required. You’ll create your success when you use reason and deduction rather than

8 Ways to Use Karma to Attract Love

We use the words soul mate and karma around here a lot, and there’s a reason for that. As necessary as it is to use astrology to help lead us in our daily lives, there is more to the equation of an enlightened and fulfilled life than just astrology. Karma

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