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How Labradorite Creates Magic in Your Life

Ask yourself this question: Do I feel like I need a little more magic in your life? If you answered, “Yes, yes, a thousand times yes!” Don’t worry, you’re not alone. The real question is: Who doesn’t want more magic in their life? You probably already know that crystals have

How to Use Astrology for Personal Development & Interpersonal Skills

Have you ever met someone who blames all their failed jobs and relationships on other people, life circumstances… anyone or anything besides themselves? As we get older, a lot of how we learn comes through experience. We start to look more towards our internal mind and how we can better

Twin Flame Signs: 11 Ways to Know You’ve Met Your Match

The concept of twin flame signs explains why we feel such an intense bond with certain people. It’s if our senses are heightened when we are around our twin flame. Twin flame signs typically have a more intense relationship than soul mates do, but a twin flame doesn’t necessarily refer

Netflix Shows & Movies for Aquarius to Binge this Month

Celebrating another journey around the Sun this month are our Aquarian friends! Happy Solar Return, Aquarius! Instead of spending your birthday out at a bar or eating mountains of cake, why not have your closest friends over and find some time to just hang out in your imagination so that

Are Your Chakras As Balanced As You Think?

Balancing your chakras has become a trend as people discover the mind, body, soul connection. Although we are more in control of our health and peace now than the previous generations (thanks, Internet!), many cultures have been working with the chakras and energy healing for quite some time. Chakras affect

How a Capricorn Can Hold Onto Their Inner Child

If you’ve ever read a Capricorn horoscope, you know that this sign is possibly the most serious of all the zodiac signs. Since the Sun moves into Capricorn over the holidays, we have some easy tips for how a Capricorn can loosen up this holiday season and connect with their

Can You Use Astrology to Predict the Future?

The simple answer to the question ‘can you use astrology to predict the future’ is yes. The more accurate answer to this question is ‘yes and no.’ Because the planets create predictable psychic environments, to a great degree, depending on one’s astrological education, many events can be seen in advance.

Autumn Health Checkup: Your Chakra Cleansing Checklist

Take a big, long breath of that Fall fresh air! It’s a new season! And with the Autumn Equinox in full swing, and the holidays just…gasp…a few short months away, there is never a better time for a quick health checkup. It’s a good idea to have our weekly Health

How To Strengthen & Protect Your Energy Field Daily

We are all sensitive to Universal, cosmic energy (even if we aren’t aware of it) and you are most likely feeling a lot of intense energy and changes going on right now. This summer has been and will continue to be quite the astrological journey for us all- and whether

Get Ready for Eclipse Season Again: Big Changes Incoming

Here’s what’s on the menu for our upcoming eclipse season. Get ready for change, as that is always, without fail, the nature of these celestial events. On the line up is the July 12th New Moon partial solar eclipse in Cancer, followed by the July 27th Full Moon total lunar

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