Search Results for: capricorn aquarius cusp – Page 3 Articles

Astrology & Animals: Understanding Your Pet’s Personality

​Have you ever met an animal that was hyper like wind blowing through leaves? Perhaps you’ve met an aggressive animal that reminded you of a raging fire or a very slow-moving lovable pet that loved to sleep? The elements of astrology are one way we can begin to understand why

Your Weekly Astrology Overview: October 28 – November 3, 2019

Greetings, Earthlings, Ah, last week we moved into mysterious Scorpio season! And this week we have some doozies to report. We have a lot going on, and it’s all centered around Scorpio. The week starts with a New Moon in Scorpio on Monday, inspiring you to follow your intuition to

Saturn Direct Love Horoscopes: How to Have “the Talk” & Win

​Ewwwww….it’s time for “The Talk.” It’s that moment in our relationships when we know we need to move forward, but don’t know how to do it, or don’t want to do it….yet. Much of that procrastination comes from Saturn being retrograde. Saturn is the serious taskmaster of the planets, one

Opposing Sun & Moon Signs? Here’s Which Horoscope to Use

​When you’re getting started with astrology, your first exposure is usually horoscopes. Everyone is familiar with their Sun sign horoscope, but as you get more familiar with astrology, you may find lots of advice saying you should read your Moon sign horoscope too. This may seem well and good if

Birth Chart FAQ: Zodiac Signs in the 5th House

With Leo season around the corner, it’s time to turn our attention to the 5th house. The 5th house of astrology is usually known as the House of Pleasure and embraces all joyous activities: our creative self-expression, playfulness, romantic interests, hobbies and children. The signs and planets in the 5th

Astrology & Creativity Part II: The Other Houses

Think you’re not creative? Think again! Everyone has the capacity to be creative, you just need to know where to look in your birth chart. We will continue our discussion of astrology and creativity, exploring the role the astrological houses play. In Part I, we explored the creativity of the

What Your Zodiac Sign and the Planets Reveal About Your Health

Hello again, friends! Welcome to another instalment of ‘Ask Charla’. You probably already know what Sun sign you are. You might even know your Sun sign’s ruling planet. However, did you know that every Sun sign corresponds to a different area of the body? If you are familiar with the

Harnessing the Energy of Your Zodiac Birthstone

Most jewelry stores and gift shops sell items according to zodiac birthstones. You may already even know what your birthstones is – they’re usually defined month by month. However, have you ever noticed that there’s often a difference between what one retailer sells as your birthstone and what another one

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