Search Results for: capricorn meaning – Page 14 Articles

woman meditating in the desert

THIS Intense Transit Will Bring Major Transformation

Fiery Mars is moving into the Water sign Scorpio in a few days.   Mars is the planet of energy and drive in astrology. In your natal chart, Mars shows what drives you to take action and how exactly you act. In transit, Mars shows what you’re driven with at the

Everything You Need to Know About Pentacles in Tarot

Associated with the element of Earth and the aspect of the physical body, the suit of pentacles in the Tarot holds a number of grounded cards that explore stability, patience, and resources. With this suit, we dig into physical space, health, career, finances, legacy, success, family, home, tradition, and community.

pair of hands holding out a variety of purple crystals

Your Lucky Crystal for 2023, Based on Your Zodiac Sign

This has been a transformative year for many, but it’s not over just yet! The changes experienced this year will set the tone for many years to come. Each zodiac sign has its own lucky crystal to help it navigate the rest of the year ahead. Read on to find

hand holding out a blue angel card above a table covered in candles and crystals

Your September 2023 Angel Card Reading

Having traversed significant transformations of 2023, September ushers in a period of reprieve, reflection, and rejuvenation. This month signifies an essential milestone, prompting us to recharge our energy and attune to our inner world in preparation for what lies ahead. At the beginning of the month, Venus concludes its retrograde,

What You Need to Know About this Week’s Full Moon

Whether you’ve already been having an emotional and spiritually potent year or not, the Full Moon in Pisces is ready to bring those themes to the forefront here and now. The Full Moon represents the completion of a lunar cycle, and it always focuses on bringing to fruition those things

man and woman sharing a kiss in front of the ocean

Your Essential Mars in Libra 2023 Horoscopes

When you think of Mars, a few key phrases might come to mind: Aggression, ambition, motivation, and passion, just to name a few. But did you know that Mars, like each planet in astrology, takes on the qualities of whatever sign it happens to be passing through at any particular

man with a headlamp gazing up at a blue starry sky

Your Weekly Astrology Forecast: July 31 – August 6, 2023

Are you ready for a week of transcendent, unique energy? Then you’ll want to read this article to learn what the stars are bringing your way this week! Among these celestial events, the Full Moon holds a unique place, casting its radiant glow and infusing our lives with its mysterious

stack of blue tarot cards leaning against a blue book and candles on a white table

Your Sign’s Weekly Tarotscope for July 31 – August 6, 2023

Welcome to the end of July and the very beginning of August 2023! Starting strong, we’ll have a Full Moon in Aquarius on the 1st. It’s time to connect with your sense of independence, worldly awareness, and the eccentricities that you possess that make the world a better place. Beginning

blue tarot cards spread on a white table with candles

Your Sign’s Weekly Tarotscope for July 24 – 30, 2023

Have the stars told you yet that it’s time to open up your heart and say what’s on your mind? If they haven’t just quite yet, they likely will this week. Say “hello” to the First Quarter Moon in deep and brooding Scorpio on the 25th — it’s prime time

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