Search Results for: capricorn meaning – Page 17 Articles

silhouette of a man standing on a camper van starring up at a blue starry sky

Your Weekly Astrology Forecast: March 13-19, 2023

Are you ready for a week of dynamic energies that bring themes of love, communication, and personal growth? Then keep reading to find out what exciting transits are coming your way! There are three major transits likely to bring about a range of energies and opportunities, starting with the Last

What is a Saturn Return & How to Navigate Yours

We each experience a unique mixture of planetary cycles and transits throughout a lifetime. You can imagine these life cycles as a rite of passage involving significant revelations, change, restructuring, and independence. In addition, many life cycles connect to planetary returns—the moment a planet travels through the zodiac and returns

man with hiking poles walking through nature with a blue starry sky filled with planets in front of him

Your Essential Weekly Astrology Forecast: March 6 – 12, 2023

How would you feel about a week of transformative, grounding, and spiritual energy? Then read on to find out what astrological energy is heading your way this week! First up is Saturn – the planet of responsibility and karma – enters Pisces on March 7th, where it will remain until

Are You the Best Zodiac Sign to Date (Or the Worst?!)

Let’s get this out of the way—we’ve all got flaws. However, depending on your zodiac sign, you might be an easier person to date—or not. This doesn’t mean you don’t have strengths, and this doesn’t mean you can’t work on being better. Yet, it all starts with recognizing where your

silhouette of a person standing on a hill pointing at a blue starry night

Read Your January 23 – 29, 2023 Weekly Astrology Forecast Right Now

Are you ready for more compassion, creativity, and spiritual connection within your relationships – amongst other magical energies? Then balance that Heart chakra and get ready because we’ve got some big astrological energy when it comes to love this week! One transit will shift the vibe of your entire week

three people standing on a mountain top with their arms outstretched against a purple and pink starry night

Read Your January 16 – 22, 2023 Weekly Astrology Forecast for MAJOR Insights

Does a week of smoother sailing, creative self-expression, and celestial manifestation sound like a good time to you? Then let yourself start to get excited because the stars are bringing major positive changes this week! Three big transits are taking place this week, all of which are sure to bring

two white ceramic angels gazing ahead

Will You See Angel Number 111 This Month?

Angel numbers are some of the most powerful ways for the Universe to catch our attention and send us those all-important messages. An angel number is a number that repeats, such as 999 or 111, or 222. Very often, it is a sign that a loved one is near and

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