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Zodiac Dream Meaning

Similar Dreams: Man, Woman, Tarot Cards It is not at all uncommon to dream of the zodiac, as it has become a part of our everyday vernacular. In fact, it is so popular because it is based on psychological principles. It was Carl Jung’s dream symbols that became archetypes that developed the zodiac system,

These 5 Zodiac Signs Need to Watch Out When Mercury Goes Direct in Capricorn

It’s time to think about the long-term and how we think of some good plans to get us on the path to our dreams! When Mercury turns direct in Capricorn, powerful energy concerning our career, relationship, and life goals is being bestowed upon us. Mercury is the planet of communication.

10 Affirmations for Ambitious Capricorn Season

Being both the last stretch of 2021 and the simultaneous kick-off for 2022, Capricorn season can easily feel like a huge “make or break” moment for many of us. The pressure to check off any final boxes for 2021 coupled with the desire to set any exciting New Year’s resolutions

Your Enlightening Horoscope for Pluto Direct in Capricorn

For the last six months, Pluto has been retrograde in Capricorn, but on October 6th, it turns direct again. This is going to be extra powerful because, on the same day, we have a New Moon in Libra working its magic on us. So what does this mean for you?

Everything You Need to Know About the Sagittarius/Capricorn Cusp

Hello, December babies of the 18th to 25th! If you feel out of sync or misaligned with your supposed Sun sign, you may want to dig a bit deeper into the Sagittarius-Capricorn cusp… because that’s you! First — confused about the hype or the controversy surrounding cusps? You’re not alone.

Jupiter Direct in Capricorn: How Will it Affect Your Zodiac Sign?

Jupiter turns direct on September 12th (hooray!) and this is good news for us. The planet of fortune and expansion has been retrograde since May, which has obstructed its natural energies. Jupiter is a benefic planet (meaning it’s the planet everyone likes – Jupiter would be the cool kid in

Jupiter & Pluto in Capricorn: Uncover the Secrets to Success

2020 has come with its fair share of challenges, but there is also some incredibly promising energy to come with it. This includes the transit of Jupiter conjunct Pluto in Capricorn, which has been in effect on-and-off throughout 2020. The first hit came in April, and the second hit was

Chakra Work for Capricorns

It’s Capricorn season again, which means it’s time to celebrate the tenacious sea-goats of the zodiac. Capricorns are strong, hard-working, and loyal to their loved ones – especially when their chakras are aligned. But no one can be their best self when their chakras are unbalanced or blocked, which is

New Moon in Capricorn Solar Eclipse Arrives December 25

Christmas day brings us a gift from the Sun, a powerful New Moon solar eclipse. The energy of a New Moon is that of new beginnings when we feel there is a clean slate to start something we feel is calling us. This next New Moon is in the Earth

New Moon in Capricorn 4-Card Tarot Spread

Hold on to your horses as this December we can anticipate a New Moon in Capricorn! Actually, perhaps the term “hold on” is incorrect. A more appropriate term would be “slow down.” Capricorn is the sign of slowing down, grounding oneself and utilizing responsibility. It is known as the most

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