Search Results for: capricorn meaning – Page 24 Articles

New Moon

Similar: Full Moon, Moon Sign, Waning Moon, Waxing Moon When the Moon appears as just a sliver in the sky, this is called a New Moon. Earth’s Moon is always in motion. It spends approximately 28 days traveling through each zodiac sign, meaning that we have a new New Moon every month. It carries


Similar: Water Sign, Zodiac Sign, Cardinal Sign The crab symbolizes the Cancer zodiac sign in astrology. Aptly, this zodiac sign is known to retreat when they feel overwhelmed. Cancer is the 4th sign of the zodiac, falling after Gemini and before Leo. When the Sun enters Cancer from June 21st to July 22nd, all those born

Uncover the Mystery of the Full Moon & Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio

A Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio is coming! On May 16th, 2022, we have our first Lunar Eclipse of the year, and it’s part of the first Eclipse Season for 2022, coming after the April Solar Eclipse in Taurus. Lunar Eclipses occur with Full Moons (Solar Eclipses occur with

Queen of Pentacles

Meaning When the Queen of Pentacles Tarot card arrives in your Tarot reading, know that you are being given a message of abundance and fertility. There may not be a lot of exciting drama happening in your situation or your day right now, but you are still sitting pretty. The presence of this

The Devil

Meaning When The Devil Tarot card appears, the angels and guides point you to a very powerful spiritual lesson. It may include Capricorn, as this card is directly connected to this zodiac sign. Perhaps until now, you have been unaware that you have become bound to a painful experience or

Tarot Card Definitions

Learn to Read Tarot Receiving a Tarot card reading is an experience that can help you better understand your unique journey through the spiritual, emotional, and physical world. A Tarot reading gives you a glimpse within, offering you a mirror into your own soul. The key to getting the most from the Tarot is understanding

Weekly Astrology Forecast: April 25 – May 1, 2022

Are you in the mood for transformation, mental stimulation, and plenty of manifestation? Then get ready to go with the flow because the stars are bringing us some pretty big waves this week! On April 29th, Pluto goes retrograde in the sign of Capricorn, a transit that lasts for about


Tarot allows us to tap into the Universal consciousness. With this divination method, we can forecast the future and the outcome of our actions as a tool for guidance and self-discovery. Did you know that anyone can read Tarot cards? Although accurate readings require practice, knowledge of the cards, and belief, anyone can develop this


Mars Astrology Facts: Glyph: Ruler of: Passion, Ambition, Will Named for: Mars, The Roman God of War Sign of Dignity: Aries & Scorpio Sign of Detriment: Libra Sign of Exaltation: Capricorn Sign of Fall: Cancer Physical Body: Muscles, testicles, nose, sinews Changes Sign: Every 1.5 months What Does Mars Represent

The Moon

The Moon Astrology Facts: Glyph: Ruler of: Emotions, The Subconscious Sign of Dignity: Cancer Sign of Detriment: Capricorn Sign of Exaltation: Taurus Sign of Fall: Scorpio Physical Body: Stomach, breasts, lymphatic system, digestive system, womb Changes Sign: Every 2-3 days What Does the Moon Symbolize? Even though there are hundreds,

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