Search Results for: celtic cross tarot – Page 2 Articles

Is a Free Tarot Card Reading Accurate?

Many people question free online tarot readings, especially free ones. And with good reason! People (including myself) have gone through the mental gymnastics of trying to sense if there is any truth to what a computer can generate for us in a free tarot reading. Companies are realizing there is

DIY Tarot Reading: Pros & Cons of Using an App or Your Own Cards

If you’re new to tarot, you may be wondering, what is a tarot card reading? The definition of a tarot card reading varies based on the intention of the person offering the service and the person asking the question. The tarot is designed to help us see our patterns, our

5 Tarot Card Spreads You Need to Try

To conduct a tarot card reading, you must have an understanding of the most popular spreads. All tarot card readings start with a tarot card spread (or layout). These layouts aren’t random patterns, every position has a particular meaning. It examines a certain aspect of the question being asked. It’s

How to do Your Own Daily Tarot Reading

A tarot reading can help with any difficult decision in your life. Your question may have to do with your love life, career, financial situation, or dealing with change. You might want to consult the cards, but a reliable tarot reader isn’t always available at a moment’s notice. Fortunately, there


Similar: Major Arcana, Minor Arcana You’ll often hear Tarot readers talk about a spread or a layout. A spread is a pattern in which the cards are placed as they are taken from the deck and put onto the table to be interpreted by a Tarot card reader. There are as many

4 Simple Oracle Card Spreads for Deep Intuitive Insights

Deep intuitive insights are one of the most valuable things we can have when choosing which path to take in our career, who to date, and how to maintain a sense of happiness in life. One way to get these insights is with the help of oracle cards. Now if

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