Search Results for: chiron discovery chart Articles

brunette woman in a white tank top and bold, pink eyeshadow holding an array of flowers

Do You Have Libra in Your Birth Chart?

With a charismatic presence and diplomatic approach, what’s not to love about bubbly and smart Libra? Here’s a fun fact: even if you don’t find yourself loving Libra energy, you still have it somewhere within you. And with Libra season just around the corner, you’ll want to make sure you


Chiron Astrology Facts Glyph: Ruler of: Suffering, Burdens, Rebirth Named for: Chiron, the Centaur Possible Signs of Dignity: Scorpio, Sagittarius, or Virgo Sign of Detriment: Unknown Sign of Exaltation: Unknown Sign of Fall: Unknown Changes Sign: Approximately every 4 years (Varies due to eccentric orbit) What is Chiron? Although you

Chiron Direct Tarot Spread: Working With the Wounded Warrior

A minor planet and comet most often known as the “wounded healer,” Chiron stations direct in Aries on December 15th, after going retrograde in July of this year. A relatively new discovery in astrology, Chiron travels between Saturn and Uranus, giving this centaur long transits and a sensation of deliberate,

Your Chiron Return: Where Are Your Wounds?

In the study of astrology, astrologers have begun to observe Chiron more closely especially when it comes to healing ourselves and finding sense in synchronicities. Some have even referred to natal transits in Chiron as symbolic of “Chirotic” time, a time where signs and purpose meet in our lives. The

Chiron: The Karmic Marker of the Birth Chart

Since its discovery in 1977, Chiron has become an increasingly important part of astrology and the interpretation of the birth chart. It’s not a planet, in fact it’s hard to describe just what Chiron is. I like to think of it as a planetoid, or perhaps an asteroid with a

december energy forecast

Find Out What the Stars Have in Store For December 2024

December is creeping in fast, beautiful gems, bringing the year to a stunning close! The world around us evolves in spectacular ways, unveiling wonders, miracles, and the limitless potential of life. The sky this month beams with delicate hues of rose quartz, fuchsia, and soft coral hues. Just step outside

july energy forecast

Your Powerful July 2024 Energy Forecast

Welcome to the pink and purple sunsets of July, beautiful gems! With iridescent skies surrounded by vivid red and orange hues, this month is off the charts. We will soon officially enter a magnetic season, swimming through the aqua waters of the Cancer season into the eye of the fire


Pluto Astrology Facts: Glyph: Ruler of: Power, Transformation, Rebirth Named for: Pluto, the Roman God of the Underworld Sign of Dignity: Scorpio Sign of Detriment: Taurus Sign of Exaltation: Leo Sign of Fall: Aquarius Physical Body: Pancreas, metabolism, elimination Changes Sign: Every 13-32 years (due to highly erratic orbit) What

Asteroids & Astrology 101: Ceres, Pallas, Juno, Vesta, & Lilith

You may know about your planets, houses, and zodiac signs in your birth chart, but did you know that asteroids in your chart can also add a layer of understanding to your personality? ​ Asteroids are the cherry on top of a very complex but delicious astrological cake. They enrich all

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