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Your Weekly Astrology Overview: October 28 – November 3, 2019

Greetings, Earthlings, Ah, last week we moved into mysterious Scorpio season! And this week we have some doozies to report. We have a lot going on, and it’s all centered around Scorpio. The week starts with a New Moon in Scorpio on Monday, inspiring you to follow your intuition to

Saturn Direct Love Horoscopes: How to Have “the Talk” & Win

​Ewwwww….it’s time for “The Talk.” It’s that moment in our relationships when we know we need to move forward, but don’t know how to do it, or don’t want to do it….yet. Much of that procrastination comes from Saturn being retrograde. Saturn is the serious taskmaster of the planets, one

Astrology & Creativity Part II: The Other Houses

Think you’re not creative? Think again! Everyone has the capacity to be creative, you just need to know where to look in your birth chart. We will continue our discussion of astrology and creativity, exploring the role the astrological houses play. In Part I, we explored the creativity of the

Hey Leo! Here Are 5 Books You Need to Read

Leo, you have a free-spirited energy that permeates the air around you. You live your life to the fullest, and when it comes to reading, you desire a story that will grip you from beginning to end.Here at Astrology Answers, we’ve crafted a list of the absolute, must-read stories for

You’re Using Your Horoscope Wrong! Here’s How to Fix it

Have you ever read your daily or weekly horoscope in the paper or even on our site here, and thought to yourself that this doesn’t sound like you or your situation at all? Maybe you read that you’re going to meet someone new and exciting, but you’re already in a

All About the 10th House of Career & Social Status in Astrology

The 10th house of your astrology birth chart is the “house of social status.” That also includes your career. It’s also one of the work-related houses—the 6th house and the 2nd house being the other two. These three houses work together in your chart to bring you success or challenges.

All About the11th House of Friendships in Astrology

The 11th house of your astrology birth chart is known as the “house of friends.” Your charitable acts and your ambitions, your dreams, and your hopes, and those close to you who can help you to reach those goals are all indicated by the sign on the cusp and the

All About the 8th House of Ritual & Rebirth in Astrology

The 8th house in astrology is opposite the 2nd house, which deals with your money, income, your strengths, assets, and talents. The 8th house pertains to other people’s money and assets. This covers a wide area! Joint finances reside here, but so do unpleasant financial issues such as debt or

All About the 4th House of Home & Family in Astrology

Anything to do with traditions, family, and home is ruled by the 4th house of your astrology birth chart. Home in this instance means not just building, but the environment within your home, too. The cusp of the 4th house is the second Cardinal point of the birth chart, with

All About the 6th House of Health in Astrology

The 6th house of your birth chart deals with your current environment and living situation. This includes your home and your pets. It also includes your work environment, your commute to and from work, your colleagues there, and your relationship with them. Even your daily health is hinted at in

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