Search Results for: do aquarius lie – Page 16 Articles

couple smiling at each other lovingly and smiling

Check Your Love Compatibility With Venus in Taurus

Listen up, lovers! Your romantic life is about to take on a sensual tone as Venus enters Taurus, the sign over which it rules. Venus thrives in Taurus, the earthy sign that appreciates the finer things in life. Taurus is refined, sensual, practical, and natural, a combination that Venus yearns

pair of hands shuffling black tarot cards

Your Zodiac Sign’s May 2024 Tarotscopes

If you aren’t briefed on what’s to come for May, you might find that its energy will give you whiplash when going in blind! Pluto retrograde begins in Aquarius on the 2nd, forcing us to reflect on changes thus far and adjust accordingly if we’ve gone off track. The Taurus

stack of brown tarot cards on a wooden table covered in crystals and candles

Your Sign’s Weekly Tarotscope for April 29th – May 5th, 2024

As we transition from one month into another this week, the stars and planets will be moving through some important transitions of their own. Venus, planet of love and beauty, will enter its home sign of Taurus on the 29th. Almost immediately after, Mars (the planet of war, drive, and

weekly astrology forecast april 22

Your Weekly Astrology Forecast for April 22nd – 28th, 2024

Are you prepared for a week of intense emotions, transformations, and ambition? Then you’ll want to read this article to find out what energy astrology is bringing your way this week! As April unfolds, celestial energies converge to offer us a profound cosmic dance, marked by the intensity of a

THIS is How the Upcoming Full Moon in Scorpio Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign

Are you ready for another sensual and delicious Full Moon? A time when our emotions, our gratitude, and our intuition are overflowing like the illuminating light of the Moon, guiding us through the darkness of night. This time around, that Full Moon that shines a light on hidden emotions or

may astrological energy forecast

Your Vital May 2024 Energy Forecast

Welcome to a brand-new month, beautiful gems! May is soon arriving with sunny skies, and the energy is off the charts as the entire world is still buzzing high from eclipse season and retrograde vibes. High vibrational showers flooded the airwaves last month and brought groundbreaking revelations. Now, May quantum

woman with her hands on her head looking distressed

This is Why You’re Stressed, Based on Your Zodiac Sign

Everyone copes with stress differently. Some people meet it, rising up to the challenge as if they have something to prove. Other people fall apart. You might be the sort who sits down and analyzes it—or maybe you laugh in its face! Did you know that your chart might be

brown tarot cards spread out on a white table covered in candles

Your Weekly Tarotoscope for April 15th – 21st, 2024

Change is in the air, but it looks different now. This week, we are still coming off of the Aries Solar eclipse and processing some of the changes and transformations that it may have compelled us toward. As Taurus season nestles in on the 19th, this stable, steady, and prosperous

woman with afro with closed eyes looking serene surrounded by lush greenery

Here’s Exactly How Each Zodiac Sign Can Prepare for Taurus Season

Are you ready for Taurus season? The Sun will be moving out of dynamic Aries and into the sensual sign of Taurus on April 19th, 2024. Those with Taurus Sun, Taurus Rising, and Taurus Moon in their chart will be familiar with Taurean qualities already: a love of creature comforts,

april 8 weekly astrology forecast

Your Weekly Astrology Forecast for April 8th – 14th, 2024

How would you feel about a week of fiery, motivated, confident energy? Then you’ll want to read this article to learn all about the astrological energy heading your way this week! As the Solar eclipse in Aries approaches on April 8th, the cosmic stage is set for a week of

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