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april 8 weekly astrology forecast

Your Weekly Astrology Forecast for April 8th – 14th, 2024

How would you feel about a week of fiery, motivated, confident energy? Then you’ll want to read this article to learn all about the astrological energy heading your way this week! As the Solar eclipse in Aries approaches on April 8th, the cosmic stage is set for a week of

pair of hands writing information on a piece of paper showing a birth chart

Your Ultimate Guide to Birth Charts

​Do you read your horoscope or articles about your sign and think, “I don’t identify with that at all?!” This tells us a few things about you: Astrology involves many, many layers, and many of us don’t realize that our Sun or zodiac sign is only the top layer of

april abundance forecast

Your April 2024 Abundance Forecast

This April, prepare to enhance your manifestation abilities and draw abundance, health, love, success, and prosperity. As the wheel of fortune aligns in your favor, it’s all about being intentional, cultivating gratitude, and aligning your thoughts, feelings, and actions with abundance consciousness. When the Law of Attraction and Assumption merge

pair of hands holding up brown tarot cards

Your Weekly Tarotoscope for April 1st – 7th, 2024

This week, emotions and passions run high as Mercury retrograde begins in Aries (on the very 1st of the month, too). If that’s not enough bold and brash ram energy for you, Venus will enter Aries on the 5th as well, propelling us even further into the spark and intrigue.

mars in pisces

Discover Your Deepest Sexual Desires with Mars in Pisces

On the 22nd, the warrior archetype Mars will dive deep into the cosmic ocean of intuitive Pisces. This transit provides new energy that deals with the embodiment of our sexual desires in a more intuitive and spiritual nature, along with confronting how we display anger, express ourselves, and assert power.

blonde woman reading tarot cards on a carpet adorned with crystals and candles while burning sage

You Need to Read Your March 2024 Angel Card Reading ASAP

The month ahead is adorned with a New Moon, equinox, and eclipse, signaling a time of change and alignment with your destiny and soul’s purpose. March is a highly energetic month; supporting you through this powerful time is angelic guidance. Angels are like your heavenly buddies, sent to help and

woman floating in a large pool of water

Your Essential Guide to the Water Signs of the Zodiac

Who would want to, or could possibly, live a life without water? Water is essential for survival, and it’s one of the most beautiful and necessary gifts that we have on this abundant globe. In astrology, like in life, water is an essential component. Each zodiac sign in astrology is

weekly astrology forecast

Your Weekly Astrology Forecast for February 26th – March 3rd, 2024

Are you ready for a week of optimism and curiosity? Then read this article to find out how the stars are bringing wonder your way this week! As the week unfolds with the celestial dance of the Last Quarter Moon in Sagittarius, cosmic energies usher in a period of reflection

blonde woman reading tarot cards sitting at a table with orange candles

Your March 2024 Tarotscope Has Some Exciting Insights

If you’ve been feeling on edge, this March is about to push you over — prepare for emotions to skyrocket to the heavens! Mercury enters Aries on the 9th, and emotions stay high as the New Moon in Pisces occurs just after the 10th. And just when you think it’s

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