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Saturn in Aquarius: Make Career Dreams Reality

Saturn is making a move into a new sign, Air sign Aquarius, and its time in Earth sign Capricorn will soon come to a close. Saturn is the planet that naturally rules your career and professional goals, so when Saturn moves into a new sign, this can impact the way

6-Card Tarot Spread for Aquarius Mercury Retrograde

Mercury in Retrograde is never the easiest time of the year for many of us as we tend to find blips and obstacles thrown in our path that can make things horribly stressful and confusing for us! The best way to work with Mercury Retrograde is to prepare yourself. The

Wind & Waves: The Aquarius/Pisces Cusp

Most everyone knows their Sun sign, but not everyone identifies with it. Does this sound like you? If you were born during a certain set of dates – essentially between two signs – you might be what some astrologers consider a cusp sign. Cusp signs are somewhat controversial in astrology

Aquarius Woman Personality Traits & Characteristics

The Aquarius woman personality is a force that is never controlled by others. Born January 22 to February 18, Aquarius women are bold leaders with friendly dispositions. The Aquarius female can handle being around people pretty much all the time and makes friends wherever she goes. She’s an excellent listener

Chinese Zodiac 101: Breaking Down the Chinese Zodiac

Many people have heard of the Chinese Zodiac, but who out there knows the many little details that make up the breadth of this fascinating form of Eastern Astrology? The Chinese Zodiac consists of 12 animals, each of which rules a year. According to the year of your birth and

The 12th House: What You Don’t Even Know You Hide

The 12th house in astrology is perhaps the most misunderstood of the houses. Because the 12th house rules your subconscious mind and is the house of the hidden, there is a lot of energy in this house that you don’t even realize is there. It’s locked away in your subconscious,

How to Relieve Stress Based on Your Moon Sign

As we’ve learned from our exploration of Moon signs, they are vastly different from our Sun signs and carry different significance in our lives. While our Sun signs have more influence over our general behavior, our egos, and how we identify ourselves, our Moon signs relate more to our inner

Beneficial Thought: Venus in Aquarius in Love – Let Your Freak Flag Fly

What happens when the planet of attraction and true love enters the zodiac sign of equality, light working, and technology foresight? The amazing out of this world is what happens, also known as Venus entering Aquarius. Venus focuses on what we idealize and pulls it in like a tractor beam.

6 of Our Favorite Characters That Share Your Aquarius Horoscope

Oh, Aquarius, you intellectual rebel, you. You really do march to the beat of your own drum – you don’t need your Aquarius daily horoscope to tell you that. If you’re like most Aquarians, you’re used to feeling like a bit of an outsider. That’s why in today’s article, we

Medical Astrology: Which Body Parts Do Each Planet & Zodiac Sign Rule?

At first glance, you might not see a correlation between astrology and medicine, but it was the ancient Greek astrologers who first developed the concept of medical astrology. Doctors in the Middle Ages throughout the Renaissance relied upon these theories when diagnosing and treating patients. In assigning associations, medical astrologers

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