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Your Weekly Astrology Forecast: March 17th – 23rd, 2025

Get ready for a major energy shift this week as we make our way into Aries season! Where Pisces season is the last month of winter in the northern hemisphere, a time of introspection, reflection, and dreaming, Aries, on the other hand, is the first month of spring, a time

What is the Best Meditation for Your Zodiac Sign? Discover Yours

While we tend to focus on topics like astrology, numerology, and the Tarot at Astrology Answers, today we’re going to switch gears a bit and focus on a little thing called meditation. Maybe you’ve tried meditation before and given up a few minutes in, or maybe the process has always

A hand wearing rings holds a fan of blue Tarot cards.

Check Our Your Tarotscope for the Week of March 10th – 16th, 2025

Say hello to the big bad wolf of astrology! With Mercury going retrograde in Aries on the 15th, we’re approaching one of those dreaded astrological times filled with mystique and hubbub… so what’s the big fuss about this particular transit, after all? This week, we’re transitioning into a time of

A black woman closes her eyes in pleasure as she enters through a shiny, glittery silver door covering.

These 6 Zodiac Signs are Most Compatible with Pisces

One of the most loving signs of the zodiac is easy-going Pisces. Pisces are a gift to this world because of their ability to see beauty where others would not. Their creative, open minds allow them a unique sensory experience of being human, so the zodiac signs that are compatible

Monthly Horoscope

This Month Next Month See Another Sign For the Month of: November 2024 November – November sweeps in, Cancer, bringing a fresh wave of energy to help you break free of those negative ruts. There is a sense of renewal and hope this month, inviting you to realign with your

A hand holds a handful of Tarot cards, shown illuminated by candlelight.

Your Sign’s Weekly Tarotscope: March 3rd – 9th, 2025

This week, Mercury will enter Aries on the 3rd, kicking this week off into the headstrong, powerful, and independent sign of the ram. You may feel more compelled to speak up with firmer opinions, move and think decisively, and process events and ideas with passion and strength. In other words,

A pale woman with white hair sits looking at the camera. A yellow flower is blurred in the left corner.

Your Weekly Astrology Forecast: February 24th – March 2nd, 2025

This week is going to be filled with softness, emotions, creativity, and magical vibes as we have the New Moon in Pisces. As we always say, New Moons are the best time to initiate new ventures and plant seeds for what we want to create and build within our lives.

A woman with pale skin and white hair has her eyes closed. She wears a blue scarf around her neck.

Weekly Astrology Forecast: February 17th – 23rd, 2025

This week we have a couple of astrological/planetary shifts and transits, meaning that the energy will be changing quite significantly and palpably at that! We start the week on Monday, with the Moon in Libra trine the Sun in Aquarius. This is a very mentally stimulating combination, you might feel

African American couple smiling gleefully

How to Attract Your Soulmate, Based on THEIR Zodiac Sign

We’ve all heard the pickup line, “What’s your sign?” Although this is a rather cliché way to get a date, there actually is merit in using the stars to find “the one” for you. Did you know that astrological love compatibility is a real thing? Yes! There are certain zodiac

A woman peeks out from between greenery and an orange flower.

Your Weekly Astrology Forecast for February 10th – 16th, 2025

This week, we have some strong energies and planetary transits occurring; therefore, try to really make sure that you make use of this potent time and harness your attention and intention most creatively and constructively as possible! We start the week with Mercury in Aquarius squaring Uranus in Taurus. This

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