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weekly tarotscope december 9

Your Sign’s Weekly Tarotscope for December 9th – 15th, 2024

Some astrological events pick up quite the reputation (like Mercury retrograde or even a Full Moon), but is the notoriety justified? Here’s the good news! No matter what your opinion is about either of these events, they’re both working in your favor this week. If the sight of a Mercury

neptune direct

Neptune is Going Direct in THIS Emotional Zodiac Sign

If you’ve been feeling a bit foggy and confused, it’s probably got something to do with the Neptune retrograde we’ve been experiencing.  But that’s all about to change! On December 7th, 2024, the planet Neptune goes direct in the sign of Pisces. During the retrograde period, maybe you’ve been particularly

weekly forecast december 2

Your Weekly Astrology Forecast for December 2nd – 8th, 2024

This week is very eventful, with multiple astrological shifts and transits occurring simultaneously. Mars will be going retrograde in Leo for a few months, Venus will be moving into Aquarius for about a month, and Neptune will go direct in Pisces, on top of the fact that Mercury also just recently

two woman hugging and smiling as gold and silver confetti fly around them

Unlock Prosperity This Month With Your December 202 Abundance Forecast

It’s almost December, beautiful souls! With the end of the year approaching, the manifesting energies are ripe with opportunities to align with your deepest desires. By combining the Law of Attraction, the Law of Assumption, and astrology, we can manifest abundance in all areas of our lives. The Law of

weekly tarotscope december 2

Your Sign’s Weekly Tarotscope for December 2nd – 8th, 2024

The first full week of December is right around the corner, and it’s full of astrological events that you’ll want to keep a close eye on! Mars in Leo goes retrograde on the 6th, potentially causing irritability and restlessness but mostly also pushing us into creative, intentional productivity. Plus, with

Sagittarius love compatibility

The BEST & WORST Love Matches for Sagittarius

Sagittarius is a Fire sign with an infectious spirit that charms and delights those they spend their time with. Their innate positivity spreads around them like wildfire, infusing their friends, family, and colleagues with an energetic sense of optimism and hope. If you’ve ever known a Sagittarius, you’re likely well

weekly forecast november 25

Your Weekly Astrology Forecast for November 25th – December 1st, 2024

This week, we kick it off on Monday with Mercury turning retrograde in the sign of Sagittarius. We also have an exciting New Moon in Sagittarius as December begins. Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius emphasizes the need for careful communication and planning. Sagittarius, known for its expansive and adventurous nature, may

weekly forecast november 18

Your Weekly Astrology Forecast for November 18th – 24th, 2024

We are experiencing some major planetary shifts this week, such as Pluto moving from Capricorn into Aquarius! Since it will remain there until 2043, the energy it is bringing forth is not specific to this moment in time but rather a collective and general one that will permeate the next

zodiac signs secrets

This is What People Secretly Think About You, Based on Your Zodiac Sign

Have you ever wondered what people really think about you? While we all give off certain vibes, your zodiac sign can reveal unique qualities that shape how others perceive you—sometimes in surprising ways! Let’s dive into the hidden thoughts people may have about each sign, from the warm admiration felt

four tarot cards spread out on a white table with crystals

Find Out What the Cards Reveal for Your Zodiac Sign in December 2024

You might think that the last month of the year inherently holds some of the most powerful, important, and pivotal moments of 2024. You would be right… but it’s not just because it’s December. Neptune (planet of dreams and imagination) will finally go direct on the 7th, right alongside Venus

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