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january tarotscopes

Read Your January 2025 Tarotscopes Right Now for New Year Wisdom

Ready for a whirlwind start to 2025? Venus (planet of love and beauty) will enter dreamy Pisces on the 2nd, immediately propelling us into a whimsical, romantic, and imaginative time for our relationships (with ourselves and others). Plus, as Mars goes retrograde in Cancer on the 6th, emotions will run

weekly tarotscope december 16

Your Weekly Tarotscope for December 16th โ€“ 22nd, 2024

We all have our biases when it comes to astrological seasons โ€” our favorites, our least favorites, and those that we may even just not know enough about. However, one of the perks of studying astrology and developing opinions about the zodiac signs is that itโ€™s a hands-on study, and

weekly tarotscope december 9

Your Signโ€™s Weekly Tarotscope for December 9th โ€“ 15th, 2024

Some astrological events pick up quite the reputation (like Mercury retrograde or even a Full Moon), but is the notoriety justified? Hereโ€™s the good news! No matter what your opinion is about either of these events, theyโ€™re both working in your favor this week. If the sight of a Mercury

2 of pentacles tarot card

You Pulled the 2 of Pentacles Tarot Card in a Reading โ€“ Now What?

After the primal energy of the Ace of Pentacles, we come to the 2 of Pentacles, a high-energy card that reminds us of the power of balance. This card is all about coping with demands and mastering the art of juggling them all at once. Think about it. Youโ€™ve got

weekly tarotscope december 2

Your Signโ€™s Weekly Tarotscope for December 2nd โ€“ 8th, 2024

The first full week of December is right around the corner, and itโ€™s full of astrological events that youโ€™ll want to keep a close eye on! Mars in Leo goes retrograde on the 6th, potentially causing irritability and restlessness but mostly also pushing us into creative, intentional productivity. Plus, with

tarot reading questions

These Are MUST-ASK Questions for Your BEST Tarot Reading

You enter a chamber through a beaded curtain and are greeted by an enrobed lady with a crystal ball and lots of jewelry. The smell of incense is heavy in the air, and a black cat appears from under the table, winking as it passes. When you think of getting

weekly tarotscope november 25

Your Signโ€™s Weekly Tarotscope for November 25th โ€“ December 1st, 2024

The end of November has already crept around the corner, and the astrological shifts just wonโ€™t stop coming in! Pluto moved into Aquarius last week, launching us into that twenty-year cycle of reinvention, radical progress, and change. In other words, weโ€™ve already been settling into fresh, new energy, and you

4 of cups tarot card

The 4 of Cups Tarot Card: What it Really Means for Love, Career, & More

Itโ€™s time to celebrate! Often a very welcome card in a Tarot reading, the 4 of Wands represents the energy of celebration, appreciation, and new beginnings. After the figure in the 3 of Wands takes the bold decision to go after their dreams, we come to the 4 of Wands,

Free Daily Affirmation Card

Welcome to your daily dose of positivity! This page offers a free daily affirmation card reading featuring an uplifting message to inspire confidence, self-love, and motivation. Discover a new affirmation designed to set a positive tone and guide you throughout your day every morning. Whether youโ€™re looking to boost your

Free Love Oracle Card Reading

Step into the magic of oracle cards.  Perfect for seekers of all kinds, an oracle card offers a playful yet profound peek into what the Universe has in storeโ€”empowering you with gentle nudges and delightful surprises. Simply ask a yes-or-no question about your love life, click the card, and your