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Your Weekly Numerology Forecast for June 27 – July 3, 2022

Hello, Stargazers! Here is your weekly numerology forecast for the week ahead, June 27th to July 3rd, 2022. The theme of the coming week is very much focused on emotions and vulnerabilities that lie within. The Cardinal Water sign, Cancer, has a lot of powerful influence over us for the


Have you ever wondered if the numbers you’re seeing in your everyday life are trying to tell you something? Do you see specific numbers or numerical patterns repeating (like 11:11), maybe in your date of birth, your phone number, your address, or perhaps even an employee number? The idea that

The Power of 11:11 in Numerology

How many times have you heard someone say, “Make a wish, it′s 11:11?” If you’ve ever wondered why this might be, or what more this mysterious sign may be trying to communicate with you, you’re not alone. As auspicious as it is curious, the real truth behind 11:11 can be

The Connection Between Numerology & Crystals

One of the most wonderful aspects of working with metaphysical tools such as numerology, astrology, and crystals is the fact that these tools can easily be used together — and when they are, their healing properties and clarifying abilities are more enhanced than ever! One of the most potent (but

Can Numerology Predict Love Compatibility?

How many of you have checked today’s love horoscope? And if you did, you’ve also checked your partner’s, right? Questions about love compatibility rank among the most searched within the worlds of Tarot, numerology, and astrology. Love is tricky, so it makes sense we would look at all the tools

How to Attract Your Soul Mate This Christmas

Christmas is all about connecting with our loved ones and appreciating those connections under the sparkling lights all around us. But the holidays can also be a lonely time, and many of us will be wishing for more than just our two front teeth from Santa this year. There’s an

Is Love Doomed During Mercury Retrograde?

Even if you’re not very familiar with astrology, there’s a good chance you’ve heard the warning, “Mercury is in retrograde” at some point in your life. Every planet under the Sun goes retrograde from time to time, but it seems that Mercury’s retrograde period has more of an intense effect

​Are You in Sync With Your Numerological Destiny​?

You may have observed the stars, studied the Tarot cards, and become one with the phases of the Moon — but are you in tune with your numerological destiny? If you’ve ever seen repeating numbers and chalked it up to a simple sign or synchronicity without knowing what it meant,

Types of Numerology – Explained

While there are thousands of languages all over the world, the language of numbers is one that remains a constant globally. You might already be familiar with the concept of numerology – the study of numbers and their Universal meaning in our lives – but did you know that there

Align Your Soul & Career with Saturn Sextile Neptune

Have you been in a bit of a career tail-spin? Maybe you have had a pattern of dealing with difficult bosses or jobs that bore you? Well, whatever your career woes may be today, June 18th has some promising energy to help elevate your career to become something you enjoy

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