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Scorpio Man: Traits, Love, & More

The Scorpio male is unique in that he’s not all that interested in fitting in, even though he’s not doing that to be noticed – he marches to his own beat and offers no apologies for it. If you’re getting to know a Scorpio guy, one thing you have going

Libra Woman: Traits, Love, & More

Style, charm, warmth, and an engaging personality… do these qualities sound alluring to you? What you’re reading about is the Libra woman—an intriguing mix of intellect and interpersonal skill and someone who is always drawing people in to learn more about her.  While she is engaging, she’s also always balancing, which

Libra Man: Traits, Love, & More

It makes sense that the sign of Libra is the scale.  The Libra man is all about balance, which can mean saying and doing the right thing in every situation. His overall personality is such that he innately feels out every scenario before jumping in and fitting in – that’s how he

Virgo Woman: Traits, Love, & More

If a person who always goes that extra mile to make things perfect is something that you like, then a Virgo woman may be exactly what you need as a friend, lover, or colleague.  The Virgo female is a person who is always thinking, always analyzing the details, and always looking to

Virgo Man: Traits, Love, & More

If you’re a Virgo man, life is about order.  Things need to be in a certain place and organized in a certain way, and those who know a Virgo male can probably relate to the fact that he spends a lot of time thinking about how he can make his daily

Leo Woman: Traits, Love, & More

The lioness is one of the most powerful creatures – male or female – in the wild. She is strong, dominant, confident, and passionate. Those words could also be used to describe a Leo female.  The Leo woman is always noticeable, always ready to take on the next challenge, and always

Leo Man: Traits, Love, & More

The lion is the king of the jungle.  Whether he is or not, that’s what he thinks, and that’s pretty much what a Leo man’s personality exudes in almost any situation. After all, the Leo sign is a lion, so he must be the king of everything, right?  Unlike other zodiac

Cancer Woman: Traits, Love, & More

The Cancer zodiac sign is complicated overall, and a Cancer woman comes with a lot of different layers.  She can be emotional, but she can also build a large wall around the display of those emotions. She can be passionate, but she may not seem that way. She can be loving, but

Cancer Man: Traits, Love, & More

 While the Cancer man is in many ways a contradiction in terms of his moods and what he may say, he’s also someone who’s going to be loyal, nurturing, loving, and stable.  Suppose you’re a Cancer male, or you’re getting to know one. In that case, you should understand that

Gemini Woman: Traits, Love, & More

There are two sides to every story and the same does for the Gemini woman. This is why the symbol of twins is perfect for the Gemini female. She is always looking to live life to the fullest, to get the most out of every experience, and to find the

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