Search Results for: horoscopes traits and compatibility – Page 10 Articles

The Masculine & Feminine in Astrology

Understanding the masculine and feminine energies in astrology can help us see much more clearly how the planets affect us and having this insight will help us better understand people. When we know the introverted (feminine) and extroverted (masculine) signs, we can better understand the birth chart as well as

What To Expect When Dating A Taurus

Are you currently dating or thinking about dating a steadfast and sensual Taurus? Today, we’ve narrowed down the 10 traits you should know about Taurus so you’ll be prepared to succeed in this relationship. Astrology gives us the insider’s secrets to your lover’s mind and heart like a manual. Taureans

I Got My First Palm Reading – Here’s What I Learned

For those who aren’t too familiar with palmistry, it is the study of the palmar lines and mounts of an individual’s hands. While there are many schools of interpretation in chiromancy, a strong reading (and the type I went for) involves both hands, so that your palm reader can get

Moon Sign Astrology: Your Guide to Your Emotional Personality

“What’s your Moon sign?” Sounds like a bad pick up line, but having the answer – and a good understanding of what your Moon sign means – can be endlessly helpful to you in your life – especially when it comes to how you are emotionally responding to everything in

How Does Your Moon Sign Influence Your Love Language?

Have you ever felt there is an intangible barrier in your relationship, something you cannot put your finger on but nonetheless leaves you feeling slightly isolated from your partner? Maybe you checked your astrological compatibility already and think everything sounds good on paper- but is it really? Whether you’re a

Career Success & Numerology: Using Your Life Path Number

At the moment you were born, your soul took on certain personality traits that make you unique, and aligning your life to them helps you find success and enjoy what you do. Using the system of numerology, you can recognize your own unique gifts to help you find a path

10 Powerful Tips That Will Lead a Cancer to Success

Cancer is the fourth sign of the zodiac. You are also a water sign symbolized by the crab and are considered an emotional, caring, loyal and loving astrological sign. You are creative and tender-hearted and possess many qualities that are beneficial to you when you are focused on succeeding in

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