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Aries Zodiac Sign

Aries Dates: March 21 to April 20* Zodiac Symbol: Ram Element: Fire Ruling Planet: Mars Ruling House: 1st Quality: Cardinal Polarity: Positive Power Color: Red Birthstones: Sapphire, Topaz, Heliotrope, Jasper, Aquamarine Flowers: Thistle & Honeysuckle Key Traits: Assertive, Impulsive, Leadership Desires: Success, Recognition, Esteem Compatible Signs: Leo, Aries, Gemini, Sagittarius

10 Fiery Affirmations for Aries Season

Bold, loud, and full of spunk, Aries season is a hard one to miss or let fly under the radar. Ruling our skies from March 20th to April 19th, Aries season is powerful and dramatic, which may not immediately sit well with everyone. However, bold Aries is often also misunderstood,

Weekly Astrology Forecast: October 4 – 10, 2021

Are you ready for shifting energy, transformation, and adventure in romance? Then the stars have got you covered this week because they’re bringing new energy and some excitement! While you may be experiencing the frustration of Mercury in retrograde, the excitement begins on October 6th with a New Moon in

10 Feisty Affirmations You Need for Leo Season

It’s Leo season! This transit only happens once per year while the Sun meets this Fire sign and will leave us with brightened perspectives! Leo season is a great time to ride the waves of positivity that the cosmos are offering us to make some much-needed changes in our lives.

How You Can Improve Your Love Life With the Chinese Zodiac

Did you know that there is a way to improve your love life with the Chinese Zodiac? You might know you’re a clever Monkey or a fierce Tiger; you might be aware you were born in the year of the gentle Rabbit or the hardworking Ox. But the Chinese Zodiac

Your Unique Love Language According to Your Zodiac Sign

What is the meaning of a love language? The way you express and receive love depends on the love language you and your partner use. Of course, each zodiac sign has a special way of expressing feelings based on their different personality traits! It’s important to note that not all

How to Get in Good with Your Boss, by Their Zodiac Sign

We’ve all faced many different personality types when it comes to the folks we work for. But when it comes to dealing with your own boss, have you ever considered how astrology strategy can help you get what you want, or at least make things a little bit easier? We

How to Use the Zodiac to Avoid Arguing in Your New Relationship

There’s nothing quite like falling into a new romance. The early infatuation, the long conversations late into the night as you slowly peel back the layers… of each other’s personalities. You’re blissfully floating on a cloud…until you unknowingly push a button that makes the new love in your life go

I Have a Double Zodiac Sign – Now What?

Have you ever heard someone say, “I’m a double Scorpio, so you know I tell it like it is!”? What exactly does it mean to have a double sign? Can you be a triple sign? How do you find out if you are? We all know about our Zodiac signs,

How Venus Placements Affect the Way We Love

While astrology is traditionally focused on the major planet placements, such as the Moon and Sun, your Venus placement can explain a lot about the way you love. Venus rules over both the signs Libra and Taurus, and as such, is associated with love and money, albeit in a complex,

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