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Tarot Card

Similar: Minor Arcana, Major Arcana, Tarot Tarot cards are used to foresee future events and answer specific questions and are often used in fortune-telling and astrology. A Tarot deck is usually made up of 78 cards, each with a unique image, symbolism, and meaning. Cards can be read in many ways, but often are used in a Tarot


Similar: Minor Arcana, Tarot, Swords, Cups, Wands The suit of pentacles is one of the four suits of the Minor Arcana of the Tarot cards. Sometimes they are called discs or coins. Within this suit, there are the numbers 1 (ace) through 10, all labeled in roman numerals, and the court cards – king, queen, knight, and page cards.  The four suits are: Pentacles Cups Swords Wands

Minor Arcana

Similar: Major Arcana, Tarot, Tarot Card The Tarot cards are divided into two segments, called arcanas. There are 78 cards in each Tarot deck, 56 minor arcana cards are meant to complement the 22 major arcana. The minor arcana is divided into four suits. The four Tarot suits are: Wands: Related to life purpose, energy, and motivation. Pentacles: Involving

Tarot Card Definitions

Learn to Read Tarot Receiving a Tarot card reading is an experience that can help you better understand your unique journey through the spiritual, emotional, and physical world. A Tarot reading gives you a glimpse within, offering you a mirror into your own soul. The key to getting the most from the Tarot is understanding

Your Sign’s Weekly Tarotscope for May 2 – 8, 2022

Let’s see what your Tarotscope has in store for you this week! Venus, the planet of love and beauty, will enter passionate Aries this week, kicking off the start of this week with some Fire and spark. Whether or not you’re ready for this shift, this transit has the potential


Tarot allows us to tap into the Universal consciousness. With this divination method, we can forecast the future and the outcome of our actions as a tool for guidance and self-discovery. Did you know that anyone can read Tarot cards? Although accurate readings require practice, knowledge of the cards, and belief, anyone can develop this

Your Sign’s Weekly Tarotscope for April 25 – May 1, 2022

Watch as Pluto turns retrograde this week on April 29th, ending our retrograde-free status as a collective. Mercury will enter Gemini on that same day, shifting our communication from Fiery to fresh, innovative, and curious. What does it all mean? Well, you can look at your birth chart and personal

Your Sign’s Weekly Tarotscope for April 4 – 10, 2022

We’re still in the midst of Aries season, but this week, other planets seem to be taking the stage too. We’ve got two exciting transits this week. With these planetary movements sandwiching the week ahead, it’s sure to be an interesting mix of energies in the air! Venus, the planet

Your Sign’s Weekly Tarotscope for March 28 – April 3, 2022

This week, we’re feeling the flames, now deeper into Aries season, and about to experience a New Moon in Aries on April 1st! We’ve actually been experiencing the heat for a while, with Mercury moving into firestarter Aries last week and fanning the Fiery flames. We’re in a passionate, exciting,

What do All the Crystal Colors Mean?

Everything about crystals is magical – everything! It’s not just about the powerful energy that vibrates within their delicate little orbs. Nor is it just about the individual, unique gifts that each crystal is able to bestow the user. A crystal’s color can tell us a lot about what it

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