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You Pulled the Queen of Pentacles Tarot Card – Now What?

If you have pulled the Queen of Pentacles in a Tarot spread, then there are few cards more welcoming than this lovely nurturing card! The Queen of Pentacles is one of the Court cards of the Pentacles suit, and she is famous for her down-to-Earth, bighearted and trustworthy nature. All

A Tarot Reading to See What the Rest of 2021 Holds

For many, 2021 has been a year of building and rebuilding. After the seismic effects of 2020, this year has provided some opportunities to grow, expand and reach outwards. This has been a transformative year too. The recent Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus provided a considerable shake-up for everybody,

You Pulled The Star Tarot Card – Now What?

Right after the destruction and turmoil of the Tower appears the Star – a card which, if we had to sum it up, means the calm after the storm has come. The 17th card of the Major Arcana usually depicts a nude woman pouring a jug of water into a

A Crystal Pairing for Your Tarot Cards

Tarot cards and crystals tend to go hand in hand. Why, you may ask? For one thing, they are both thoroughly useful tools for enabling us to gain access to our subconscious mind and the spirit world. Tarot cards have an uncanny way of helping us understand situations, people, and

You Pulled The Hermit Card – Now What?

The Hermit is one of those cards in the Major Arcana of the Tarot that can be baffling to many. Is it because, in many decks, a lone figure stands in the darkness holding a light of some kind? Is it because the Hermit himself just looks so mysterious that

What is a Past-Present-Future Tarot Spread?

Most Tarot readers, especially when they’re first starting out, want to use Tarot spreads to give their personal readings shape, depth, and structure. Using Tarot spreads can help us focus our intentions in a particular direction, formulating a question or digging into a challenge that makes it a little easier

What the Tarot Forecasts for Summer 2020

The summer sun and vacation breeze is finally here, but we all know that much more works beneath the surface in order to create paradise. Whether it’s the mysterious inner workings of the Moon phases or a retrograde here and there, the Universe works in mystical, and sometimes confusing, ways

Tarot Numerology: 7’s of Tarot

While you might be familiar with many of the common red flags of the Tarot — think: The Tower or The Devil! — you may be less familiar with the ways that a 7 in your spread can mean trouble… or generally that it’s time to buckle up and ready

Tarot Numerology: How to Read the 5’s of the Tarot

A 5 in your Tarot spread can be an alarming or intimidating sight for most to see… but what if we told you that it isn’t as scary as you think it is? Fully breaking down and understanding the frequency and true meaning of a 5 in your Tarot deck

Tarot Numerology: 4’s of the Tarot

2020 is the year of the number 4 (numerologically speaking), so there’s no better time than now to see what the 4’s of the Tarot might have in store for us. If you’ve stumbled upon a 4 of the Tarot in your own readings, or simply have been seeing the

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