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weekly tarotscope july 8

Your Weekly Tarotoscope for July 8th – 14th, 2024

Your passions speak louder than words. Do you remember how to use them? This week, Venus will enter vibrant and creative Leo on the 11th, heightening the potential for affectionate romantic opportunities. Mercury entered this loving, passionate sign just recently, so we’ll be dealing with the excitable sign of the

weekly tarotscope june 24

Your Weekly Tarotscope for June 24th – 30th, 2024

Are you ready to face the music? Saturn, planet of responsibility and restrictions, will go retrograde in the sign of Pisces on the 29th, prompting us to take any unconscious baggage seriously (before it becomes a point of reckoning later). This week is an essential time for emotional honesty, self-reflection,

weekly tarotscope june 17

Your Sign’s Weekly Tarotscope for June 17th – 23rd, 2024

It’s time to tune into what really matters most. Mercury and Venus will enter emotionally attuned Cancer on the 27th, bringing our hearts and minds into a place of love and affection. Additionally, Cancer season itself will unfold on the 20th, propelling us even further into the deep emotional waters

woman with dark hair holding a spread of black tarot cards staring ahead

Your June 2024 Tarotscopes

What does June really have in store for you? For starters, Moon events will bring high energy and intrigue to our month. The New Moon in Gemini on the 6th will spark new ideas and fresh energy, while the Full Moon in Capricorn on the 21st will foster productivity and

weekly tarotscope may 27

Your Sign’s Weekly Tarotscope for May 27th – June 2nd, 2024

This week, we won’t be facing as many whirlwind astrological events as we have in the past few weeks. This means that you can actually catch a breath, pause, and take some time to process everything that has already unfolded for you in your life and journey. In other words,

weekly tarotscope may 20

Your Weekly Tarotoscope for May 20th – 26th, 2024

Bubbly, fizzy, and exciting Gemini energy is finally about to be all around us — how will you make the most of it? Gemini season itself will pick up on the 20th, kickstarting our weeks with that idealistic, expansive, and inquisitive energy that we all know and love.  Whether or

pair of hands reviewing white tarot cards on a wooden table covered in crystals and candles

Your Weekly Tarotscope for May 6th – 12th, 2024

How will you prepare for this week’s New Moon in Taurus? A Taurus New Moon can ground us to our dreams and long-term plans, identifying areas in our lives where we can improve our sense of stability and security. This may mean that areas of discomfort and instability are spotlighted

pair of hands shuffling black tarot cards

Your Zodiac Sign’s May 2024 Tarotscopes

If you aren’t briefed on what’s to come for May, you might find that its energy will give you whiplash when going in blind! Pluto retrograde begins in Aquarius on the 2nd, forcing us to reflect on changes thus far and adjust accordingly if we’ve gone off track. The Taurus

stack of brown tarot cards on a wooden table covered in crystals and candles

Your Sign’s Weekly Tarotscope for April 29th – May 5th, 2024

As we transition from one month into another this week, the stars and planets will be moving through some important transitions of their own. Venus, planet of love and beauty, will enter its home sign of Taurus on the 29th. Almost immediately after, Mars (the planet of war, drive, and

outstretched hand holding a spread of brown tarot cards

Your Sign’s Weekly Tarotscope for April 22nd – 28th, 2024

This week, honesty is key. A Full Moon in Scorpio on the 23rd will bring our emotions into focus, helping us connect with some of our most authentic inner desires and feelings. Plus, Mercury goes direct in Aries on the 25th, ending our time in this intense retrograde and propelling

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