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venus in libra

Things Are About to Heat Up With Venus in Libra

Ah, lovely Libra! The sign of diplomacy, tact, and grace. This is the zodiac sign that values justice, balance, and harmony. In the presence of a Libra or someone with strong Libra energy, you cannot help but be charmed by their witty nature, delightful appeal, and desire for justice! Of course, Libra has its

Use This Tarot Spread to Determine How Someone Feels About You

We often use the Tarot to unpack grand truths, delve into our wildest curiosities… and, of course, unpack our true feelings about someone or something else. But what about the other side? Ever wondered, “How do they feel about me?” Your relationship with someone else (whether romantic, platonic, or something

hand shuffling tarot cards with the 10 of cups shown

You Pulled the 10 of Cups Tarot Card – Now What?

If there is one card we love to see when reading Tarot, it’s the 10 of Cups. This card is especially welcome in love readings, and the positive and idealistic imagery that accompanies this card in many Tarot decks is enough to bring a smile to anyone’s face. Of course,

smiling brunette woman with an angel halo above her head

Your November 2023 Angel Card Reading

Welcome to November! The collective is buzzing with energy after last month’s eclipse, and this month, we’re in for a thrilling ride of transformation. This energy sets the stage for deep change and transformation in our lives. But we’re not alone on this journey; our angelic allies are here to

Angel Number 777 & What it Means for You

Have you seen an overload of the number 777 lately? If a string of 7’s (sometimes 7, 77, 777, and even 7777) has become part of your every day, it surely must have made you stop and wonder – is there a method to this madness? Perhaps you already know

two white baby angel statues blowing kisses at each other

Are You Seeing Angel Number 333?

Has the number 333 been stalking you? Do you see to see 333 everywhere you look? When you flicker your eyes toward the clock, is it 3:33? Does 333 pop up on the TV or show up on a signpost? If 333 is showing up everywhere this month, it’s a

You Pulled the Empress Tarot Card – Now What?

The Empress is one of those cards that everyone likes to see in a reading! There’s something comforting and nurturing about the sight of The Empress. The maternal energy this card exudes just bounces right at you! As the third card of the Major Arcana, The Empress comes just before

Pisces Woman: Traits, Love, & More

The Pisces female’s traits can be, all at once, intoxicating and frustrating. She is a lovely, albeit mysterious, lady. She is ethereal, selfless, kind, emotional, loving, and always willing to give all of herself for something that she sees as important. This is generally an old soul who, almost regardless of

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