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Weekly Astrology Forecast: August 1 – 7, 2022

Do you seek mental clarity, objectivity, and the ability to go deep within and use your spiritual guidance to help you make moves towards your ultimate path? Then there are two exciting transits to prepare yourself for this week! On August 4th, Mercury—the planet of communication, information, the mind, and

You are the air zodiac element!

Share your results: Facebook Twitter Pinterest Email Air people are intelligent, curious, and are often gifted in the realm of communication. When dominated by Air, a person will typically be ruled by their head rather than their heart, having a unique way of seeing things from every angle because of

The Hunter’s Moon is your guardian Moon!

Share your results: Facebook Twitter Pinterest Email Your guardian Moon is the Hunters Moon! You’re good at working with your hands. Creative and innovative, you find the usefulness in what is available to you and then use it to create beauty. It doesn’t matter how you manifest this. Perhaps you’re

The Snow Moon is your guardian Moon!

Share your results: Facebook Twitter Pinterest Email Your guardian Moon is the Snow Moon! You like books and learning, you probably enjoy historical documentaries and lectures, and you get annoyed when people try to colour the past with sensationalism or propaganda to make it sound greater or lesser than it

Your sixth sense is clairsentience!

Share your results: Facebook Twitter Pinterest Email You are CLAIRSENTIENT! If you are clairsentient, you have the remarkable ability to feel energy. You can feel the emotions of people and animals, and you can feel the energy of places, land, and things. You are an emotional sponge, and this is

Yes, you are an empath!”

Share your results: Facebook Twitter Pinterest Email Your results show that you are an empath! Congratulations. This makes you very special indeed. You may have always wondered why you are much more sensitive than everybody else and why you can feel others’ emotions as though they are your own. Likely,

Based on your favorite foods, we think you are a Capricorn!

Capricorn Share your results: Facebook Twitter Pinterest Email You are CAPRICORN. Ooh, there is a lot of Capricorn energy inside of you! The energy of this Cardinal Earth sign shows clearly in your determination to take the lead in trying out different foods and sticking with the ones you know

Based on your favorite colors, we think you’re a Taurus!

Taurus Share your results: Facebook Twitter Pinterest Email Taureans are steady and sensual people, so we expect them to like colors that are earthy, not too over the top, but also pleasing to the eye. When you think of Taurus, think of colors that bring to mind timeless, classic beauty.

Your Weekly Numerology Forecast for July 4 – 10, 2022

Are you ready to use the wisdom of numerology to navigate the week ahead? Then welcome to your weekly numerology forecast! As we continue through Cancer season, we are given the opportunity to focus on Cancer-related themes, such as the security of our own environment, processing our deepest emotions, and

3-Card Tarot Love Reading

Pick three cards—your daily love Tarot reading awaits! We have so many opportunities for love in our lifetimes! You can consult the Tarot for guidance in your love life—from soul mates and Twin Flames to karmic links and kindred spirits. This love Tarot reading can provide an extraordinary glimpse of how your connections unfold. Reveal Your

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