Search Results for: neptune house – Page 13 Articles

Looking to Boost Your Income? Let Astrology Help

Are you stuck in a financial rut? Does it seem like your income could use a little boost? Just checking your bank account can be quite stress-inducing when you already feel broke. But don’t let a momentary drought of cash flow discourage you, as there are myriad ways to turn

How the Stars Affect Your Sleep

There’s nothing quite like climbing into our cozy bed at the end of a long day and letting the sweet, soothing wave of sleep roll over us like a cosmic blanket. Conversely, there’s nothing quite as frustrating as a night of poor, restless sleep when you have a grueling day

How 2018 Can Finally Free You

2017 has been a whirlwind of change and upheaval. Our political climate is tense, yet progressive—this year we saw the first trans woman to be voted into public office, which is a long overdue feat. Our information age is booming and growing faster than we can keep up with, yet

How Can You Connect with Your Child Based on Their Sign?

Welcome to another edition of ‘Ask Charla.′ You know, here at Astrology Answers I get a lot of questions from all corners of the globe; things to do with love and romance, chakras, tarot, astrology, numerology; if it′s metaphysical, then someone at some time has asked it! “I want to

What Your Zodiac Sign and the Planets Reveal About Your Health

Hello again, friends! Welcome to another instalment of ‘Ask Charla’. You probably already know what Sun sign you are. You might even know your Sun sign’s ruling planet. However, did you know that every Sun sign corresponds to a different area of the body? If you are familiar with the

How to Eat & Dine for Your Zodiac Sign

There’s an old saying, “You are what you eat,” and dietitians and health gurus have all the scientific data to support this. What does your birth chart have to say about that, though? You might think there’s an astrological answer for nearly everything these days—and you’d be right! Whether you

How to Decorate Your Home to Reflect Your Zodiac Sign

Spring has sprung my friends! Are you excited? Or are you groaning about the thought of spring cleaning? Well, groan no more. Today we are going to talk about how to engage and activate your spring cleaning in a way that makes it fun and creates a space all your

Understanding the Planets in Astrology

When it comes to the planets, they each have their own distinct personalities and purposes. Each planet in our Universe is assigned to a zodiac sign and rules over certain aspects of your life. That’s why zodiac signs have their own personalities as well, they are ruled by one of

Mercury’s Emotional Challenges and Dreams

The first week in July sees Mercury come into a rather demanding aspect with Saturn. At 150 degrees, there’s no getting around the fact that there’s just nothing in common here. They don’t share a sign or an element or a quality. This can make communication difficult, and bring some

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