Search Results for: reiki symbols Articles

The Symbols of Reiki & What They Do

Traditionally, Reiki symbols were passed from master to student in the attunement process. Only with the internet have the 5 Reiki symbols become widely available. The symbols open us to a new way of thinking, a spiritual way of thinking. The powerful life force energy they create can be channelled

The Ultimate Guide to Reiki & Energy Healing

Chances are, you’ve heard of Reiki, but do you have any idea what it means or what is involved when talking about this Japanese healing method that’s used as alternative therapy? Thought to ease tension, relieve pain and facilitate physical, mental and emotional healing, Reiki is a powerful tool for

Mastering Reiki: The Difference Between Reiki Levels

Whether or not you’re brand new to Reiki and energy healing, many people are unfamiliar with the different levels in Reiki mastery. If you’re thinking about getting a Reiki healing treatment or perhaps you’d like to start learning to provide Reiki for others, you will need to know the 3

Why You Should Get Reiki Certified to Heal Yourself

I don’t know about you, but I did not grow up with any clue about chakras, nor did I even know about intuition. Before I understood Reiki, it seemed to be a very far-out concept that my mind could barely grasp and I doubted it was actually a real thing.

How Do I Know If I Am Getting the Most Out of My Reiki Divination Tools?

Welcome to another edition of ‘Ask Charla.′ You know, here at Astrology Answers I get a lot of questions from all corners of the globe; things to do with love and romance, chakras, tarot, astrology, numerology; if it′s metaphysical, then someone at some time has asked it! Today’s question is:

Methods of Divination

We’ve compiled a guide to some beginner forms of divination, including chakras, palmistry, runes, and crystal pendulums. This is by no means a complete list—there are divination methods used by ancient civilizations worldwide. Some examples include: Ogham sticks rooted in Celtic traditions Bones used by the ancient Africans The Chinese

Testimonials From Our Fans

The following individuals did not receive any payment for their testimonials. They are 100% voluntary and an accurate representation of their individual experiences. “Awakens in me a deeper sense of responsibility for paying attention to not only the decisions I make but how I make those decisions. The Guide was

All You Need to Know About Stress Dreams

There’s no denying that 2020 has brought with it some unexpected stress. We know that stress releases certain chemicals in the body that we can counter with holistic remedies such as soothing essential oils, calming deep breathing, and meditation. But when it comes to our dreams, stressful times may mean

Everything You Need to Know About Healing Wands & Why You Need One

What is a Healing Wand? A healing wand is a powerful energy healing tool that has historically been used since ancient times by metaphysicians, shamans and healers to ground focus, ambitions and basal intentions. However, one need not be a trained wizard to use one effectively. By setting one’s intentions

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