Search Results for: scorpio horoscope – Page 13 Articles

holiday drinks

The PERFECT Holiday Drink for Your Zodiac Sign

The holidays are just around the corner, and there’s no better way to celebrate than with a drink perfectly suited to your personality. Whether you’re bold and adventurous, sweet and cozy, or a touch mysterious, your zodiac sign holds the key to your ultimate festive sip. We’ve matched each zodiac

THIS is What it Really Means When the Moon is in Your Zodiac Sign

The Moon spends about two and a half days in one sign and will be in your Sun sign every month for about two and a half days. So… what does this mean for you? The Moon is the planet that moves fastest in astrology, covering all 12 zodiac signs

weekly forecast november 25

Your Weekly Astrology Forecast for November 25th – December 1st, 2024

This week, we kick it off on Monday with Mercury turning retrograde in the sign of Sagittarius. We also have an exciting New Moon in Sagittarius as December begins. Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius emphasizes the need for careful communication and planning. Sagittarius, known for its expansive and adventurous nature, may

weekly forecast november 18

Your Weekly Astrology Forecast for November 18th – 24th, 2024

We are experiencing some major planetary shifts this week, such as Pluto moving from Capricorn into Aquarius! Since it will remain there until 2043, the energy it is bringing forth is not specific to this moment in time but rather a collective and general one that will permeate the next

weekly astrology forecast november 11

Your Weekly Astrology Forecast for November 11th – 17th, 2024

This week is starting off with some tension! However, there is no need to worry as long as you find a point of release for that tension, which we will address. We are often conditioned to believe that tension is inherently negative; in fact, that is not true at all.

weekly forecast November 4

Your Weekly Astrology Forecast for November 4th – 10th, 2024

Allow yourself to relax, unwind, and take things a bit more slowly. This week’s astrology is much more gentle and mellow than last week’s. However, it is also quite full of energizing planetary shifts moving into fiery, energetic, and active signs! Mercury has recently moved into Sagittarius, creating an atmosphere

november abundance forecast

Read Your Transformative November 2024 Abundance Forecast

November is a time of balance and renewal, where every thought and intention can manifest in your relationships, career, health, and spiritual growth. Magic and mystery set the tone as we enter a transformative month overflowing with abundance. Whether you are aiming to improve yourself or to achieve success, aligning

weekly forecast october 28

Your Weekly Astrology Forecast for October 28th – November 3rd, 2024

We are starting this week with powerful, charged, and intense energy! And, on Friday, November 1st, the New Moon in Scorpio will occur. New Moons are always the best time to initiate new endeavors. They are all about new beginnings and the potent psychic process of planting seeds for things

weekly astrology forecast october 21

Your Weekly Astrology Forecast for October 21st – 27th, 2024

Are you ready for intense, insightful energy and a focus on the truth? Then read this article to see what the stars are bringing your way this week! As the Sun enters Scorpio on October 22nd, the cosmic energy undergoes a significant shift from the balance and harmony of Libra

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