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What Holiday Gifts to Avoid Giving, Based on the Zodiac Sign

Most of us look forward to the holiday season; after all, there are so many great parties, events and opportunities to eat our faces off while celebrating with the people we love most. There are those who seem to give the best presents year after year, consistently dazzling their Secret

Your Must Have Spring Home Accessory, Based on Your Sign

Spring is in full swing and with this season of growth and renewal, we turn our thoughts to improvement in our health, our connection to nature and especially in our homes. It’s not called spring cleaning for nothing! With our desire to clear out the old and make room for

Your Perfect Job, Based on Your Sign

The New Year is a time to bring about change, it signals a clean slate, and we all have a chance to improve on ourselves, hopeful for a year when we finally get it right. On top of this, the planets are aligning in a very career-focused way, and our

Valentine’s Day Gifts and Guilty Pleasures by the Zodiac Sign!

Are you stumped for a Valentine’s Day gifty for your sweetie? Are you feeling all of the yummy and gooey lovey dovy in the air right now and want to make this year just *oh so perfect*? Stump yourself no further. Just remember that Valentine’s Day is all about guilty

woman sitting at a table burning incense

5 Halloween Rituals for When Negative Energy Attacks

As the weather begins to chill, so do our bones. It’s that time of year again – Halloween – and you may already find yourself gravitating towards the spookiest shows on Netflix or ensuring you’ve got an extra light in your bedroom due to all those things that go bump

virgo season

The Most Practical Zodiac Season is Arriving – Here’s What You Need to Know

From August 22nd to September 22nd, the Sun will be dancing in the sign of responsible Virgo. It’s your time to shine and the best time of the year to celebrate your unique personality! After moving through the fiery sign of Leo, we’re ready to experience the grounded, hard-working, and

beautiful African American woman with an afro gazing into the distance

Emotional Transformation is Coming With THIS New Moon

Have you been sensing an energetic or emotional shift lately? Cancer season is known not only for the emotional energy it brings but also for the heightened intuition—which means that you’ve probably been picking up on more subtle energy than ever. And if your instinctual senses have been picking up

weekly tarotscope may 20

Your Weekly Tarotoscope for May 20th – 26th, 2024

Bubbly, fizzy, and exciting Gemini energy is finally about to be all around us — how will you make the most of it? Gemini season itself will pick up on the 20th, kickstarting our weeks with that idealistic, expansive, and inquisitive energy that we all know and love.  Whether or

quarter moon phases

How to Use the Quarter Moon Phase to Your Advantage Each Month

You probably know about the manifestation powers of the New Moon and the transformative powers of the Full Moon, but how much do you know about the Quarter Moon phases? The First Quarter Moon is halfway between the New Moon and the Full Moon, while the Last Quarter Moon is

5 Tips to Survive the Full Moon in Libra

This Full Moon in Libra is eclectic, social, and a bit magical – ushering in the culmination of energies we’ve accumulated over the past month. That sense of release and relief takes some pressure off of your spirit, allowing you to spread your wings and encouraging your most genuine self

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