Search Results for: star sign on palm – Page 3 Articles

Methods of Divination

We’ve compiled a guide to some beginner forms of divination, including chakras, palmistry, runes, and crystal pendulums. This is by no means a complete list—there are divination methods used by ancient civilizations worldwide. Some examples include: Ogham sticks rooted in Celtic traditions Bones used by the ancient Africans The Chinese

Testimonials From Our Fans

The following individuals did not receive any payment for their testimonials. They are 100% voluntary and an accurate representation of their individual experiences. “Awakens in me a deeper sense of responsibility for paying attention to not only the decisions I make but how I make those decisions. The Guide was

Tarot Cards Dream Meaning

Similar Dreams: Palm, Water, Unknown Tarot readings are common dreams for those who are venturing into divination or personal growth. While seeing the Tarot as a whole has a meaning, the cards all individually have a meaning that they are wishing to share with you. Dreaming about Tarot cards usually has two meanings: The symbols on the cards

A book with its pages flying open sits over a nebula-like image with hues of purple and blue.

Dream Dictionary

Dreams A – Z Maybe you’ve found yourself here in the middle of the night after a bad dream. Perhaps you’ve been plagued by the same recurring nightmare for weeks, months, or even years. Whatever is going on in your subconscious mind, use this Dreams Dictionary as your point of reference to understand the deeper

Astrology Quizzes

Whether you’re deep diving into your soul, taking a break, or procrastinating (hey – we aren’t judging), take one of our fun astrology quizzes! Written and designed by our team of metaphysical experts, each astrology quiz will help you to unlock the unique powers hidden within your soul. Results are

How to Use Manifestation for Love

What’s the first thing you think of when you hear the word “Love”? Flowers and a box of chocolates? A romantic date? Home-owning and building a nest with your partner? Experiencing your emotional needs met in a relationship? Mother-child love? From a spiritual perspective, unconditional love radiates from an open

What Is Your Astrology Vertex & Why It’s So Important

Have you ever heard of the astrology Vertex? If you’ve been looking into spiritual astrology or anything with compatibility, you probably have since that’s generally what the Vertex connects to. The Vertex also has an exactly opposite position called the Anti-Vertex. It exactly opposes the Vertex in the zodiac, making

10 Affirmations for Imaginative Pisces Season

Are you ready for the season of dreams, romance, and imagination? With Neptune-ruled Pisces in the stars, life is about to get a whole lot more fantastical. Rebellious and revolutionary Aquarius season is already under our belt, and we may already be feeling the unpredictability and changes that have come

10 Crystals to Promote Positivity This Holiday Season

Crystals and gemstones have been around for ages, and it’s no surprise that using them can bring a multitude of different benefits. Since the dawn of time, their beauty has been crafted by Mother Earth in the depths beneath our civilizations. People have cultivated, mined, cut, and perfected crystals to

All You Need to Know About Stress Dreams

There’s no denying that 2020 has brought with it some unexpected stress. We know that stress releases certain chemicals in the body that we can counter with holistic remedies such as soothing essential oils, calming deep breathing, and meditation. But when it comes to our dreams, stressful times may mean

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