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Astrology Definitions

A Age of Aquarius Air Sign Angel Aquarius Aries Ascendant Sign Aspect Astral Projection Astrology Chart Autumn Equinox B Balsamic Moon Birth Chart C Cancer Cardinal Grand Cross Cardinal Sign Chakra Chinese Zodiac Chiromancy Clairaudient Clairsentient Clairvoyant Composite Chart Conjunct Crown Chakra Crystal Ball Cups D Destiny Number Direct Divination

Birth/Natal Chart

A birth chart (also known as a natal chart or astrology chart) is a map of where all the planets were in relation to the the Sun at the exact moment you were born. discover the real meaning behind your birth chart You probably know your Sun sign or zodiac


Your Ultimate Guide to Astrology Astrology is the exciting study of the stars and how they affect the Universe and us. While the information can get quite in-depth and specific, astrology can also be enjoyed and used as a daily guide at a basic level where the knowledge of your

The Best & Worst Characteristics of Your Chinese Zodiac Sign

The thing about the Chinese Zodiac is that there is always so much to discover, so no matter how much you read up on it, you always end up learning something new! For example, you might know that you are a mild, peaceful Rabbit, but maybe you didn’t know that

Healing Crystals for Every Zodiac Sign on Your Gift List

It’s that time of year when we stress about the perfect gift to get each of the important people in our lives, and it needs to be affordable and meaningful. Maybe you’re feeling like there are too many people to shop for, or you’re a perfectionist and want to find

The Best Color for Each Zodiac Sign: Chakras & Crystals

Your zodiac sign can give you powerful insight into your past, present and future, but it’s not an isolated system. Your body and mind form a complex matrix that responds to colors and crystals as well as the movement of the stars. Each sign also has a favored chakra (called

The Basics of Reading Birth Charts

If you want to understand the secrets of the stars, you start with your birth chart. Most people never get to see inside the time capsule of their birth chart, which spells out an individual’s inner-most desires, talents, and communication style to a T. Consider yourself lucky to have had

All About the 10th House of Career & Social Status in Astrology

The 10th house of your astrology birth chart is the “house of social status.” That also includes your career. It’s also one of the work-related houses—the 6th house and the 2nd house being the other two. These three houses work together in your chart to bring you success or challenges.

Your Zodiac Forecast for the Solar Eclipse in Pisces

The lunar eclipse that occurred two weeks ago has set us up nicely for the annular solar eclipse on Sunday, February 26 at 9:58 AM (EST). Solar eclipses are fascinating, they’re mysterious—even in these modern times when we understand the science behind them! The Earth experiences up to four solar

6 Interesting Facts About Solar Eclipses

As an astrologer, I always get an influx of questions from my clients whenever an eclipse is looming, so I thought I would discuss them as one will be upon us soon on February 26 at 9:58 AM (EST). There are usually four eclipses during a year (although like everything

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