Search Results for: tarot – Page 4 Articles

You Pulled the Queen of Wands – Now What?

If you have pulled the Queen of Wands in a Tarot reading, then you have pulled a bright, vivacious, fiery, and passionate card that brings zest to your reading. One thing is certain – no matter the context or subject, nothing is ever dull with the Queen of Wands around.

You Pulled the World Card – Now What?

Who doesn’t like to pull the World Tarot card in a spread? It is rare for the World to crop up and have a negative meaning attached. It’s one of those cards where, regardless of the subject matter, you think, “Yesssssss!” The World is the last card of the Major

You Pulled The Hermit Card – Now What?

The Hermit is one of those cards in the Major Arcana of the Tarot that can be baffling to many. Is it because, in many decks, a lone figure stands in the darkness holding a light of some kind? Is it because the Hermit himself just looks so mysterious that

These 4 Myths About Astrologers Are Untrue

What do you think of when you picture an astrologer? Is it a person waving their hands over a crystal ball, surrounded by tapestries and candles? Well, that may be true in some cases. But there are also many other cases where the idea of an astrologer conjures certain images

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Gemini: How to Work Magic

It’s time for a Full Moon again when the Moon is at its most ripe and illuminated – it shines a light on certain situations in our lives and helps us understand things that we may not have seen before. The Full Moon can be an emotional time in anyone’s

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