Search Results for: tarot suits and elements Articles

four tarot knight cards spread on a table

What Do the Knights of the Tarot Mean?

For many readers, the court cards are the trickiest aspect of the Tarot to master. The Major Arcana gets a lot of attention, dealing as they do with big transformations and important choices —and the minor pips, with their everyday insights, make for compelling narrative arcs within their respective suits.

Everything You Need to Know About Wands in the Tarot

Associated with Fire and the aspect of the soul, the suit of wands in the Tarot brings with it a sensation of intensity, inspiration, and creativity. The fastest-moving suit in the deck and one associated with passion, creation, and ambition, this suit urges us to make space for our biggest,

Tarot & Oracle Cards: What’s the Difference?

Everyone loves the Tarot, and the age-old system that is cloaked in charm and mysticism certainly is popular for a reason. What about its magical other half, though — an Oracle deck? Let’s discuss the key differences between Tarot and Oracle, and decide whether or not you should invest in

Kings & Queens: The Masculine & Feminine in Tarot

There is masculine and feminine energy in every person and the Tarot can actually help us see how to best apply those energies to create the life we desire. The Tarot can help us learn about those energies and see how to balance them within ourselves. For example, if we

A Guide to the 4 Tarot Suits: Cups, Wands, Swords & Pentacles

The Tarot is a tool that has been around for hundreds of years and is used for divination. It allows one to connect to the spiritual side of themselves to see how to heal on a deep psychological level so one can manifest more positive life experiences. Traditionally it was

woman sitting on a white couch in a green skirt and black shirt reading tarot cards on a table

Read Your December 2023 Angel Card Reading

As we draw the curtains on another year, December brings a significant homecoming marked by astrological shifts that will reshape our outlook. Transitioning from Sagittarius to Capricorn season, we move into a new level of faith, joy, and gratitude. Capricorn season encourages us to address challenges in practical ways. A

four tarot cards spread across a grey table

How to Harness Your Inner Court Card: The Pages

For many readers, the court cards are the trickiest aspect of the Tarot to master.  The Major Arcana gets a lot of coverage. Those massive, sweeping archetypes offer much to explore and consider — and the minor pips, with their everyday wisdom, make for compelling narrative arcs within their respective suits. But the court cards, with

Aries Zodiac Sign

Aries Dates: March 21 to April 20* Zodiac Symbol: Ram Element: Fire Ruling Planet: Mars Ruling House: 1st Quality: Cardinal Polarity: Positive Power Color: Red Birthstones: Sapphire, Topaz, Heliotrope, Jasper, Aquamarine Flowers: Thistle & Honeysuckle Key Traits: Assertive, Impulsive, Leadership Desires: Success, Recognition, Esteem Compatible Signs: Leo, Aries, Gemini, Sagittarius

How Turquoise Heals Emotions: Vibrant Vibes

Have you ever worn a piece of turquoise jewelry or been in the presence of this beautiful stone and felt its powerful healing properties flow through you? Do you find yourself inexplicably drawn to this crystal, enchanted by its inviting teal hues? Turquoise is one of the most ancient stones

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