Search Results for: taurus and libra compatibility – Page 3 Articles

Libra Zodiac Sign

Libra Dates: September 22 to October 20* Zodiac Symbol: Scales Element: Air Ruling Planet: Venus Ruling House: 7th Quality: Cardinal Polarity: Positive Power Color: Green, Turquoise Birthstones: Peridot, Lapis Lazuli, Opal Flowers: Bluebell, Rose Key Traits: Diplomatic, Indecisive, Determined Desires: Security, Appreciation, Stability Compatible Signs: Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius, Aquarius Mantra:

Taurus Zodiac Sign

Taurus Dates: April 21 – May 20* Zodiac Symbol: Bull Element: Earth Ruling Planet: Venus Ruling House: 2nd Quality: Fixed Polarity: Negative Power Color: Green Birthstones: Diamond, Sapphire, Garnet, Rose Quartz Flowers: Rose, Poppy Key Traits: Practical, Patient, Indulgent Desires: Fun, Steadiness, Recognition Compatible Signs: Cancer, Virgo, Capricorn, Pisces Mantra:

The Chinese Zodiac First Trine & Love Compatibility

So when it comes to love, what can your Chinese Zodiac sign tell you? It’s all about the trines! Well, maybe not “all” but definitely a fair amount. Like Western Astrology, Chinese Astrology is a many-layered and complex thing. But also like Western Astrology, certain signs tend to be more

Lunar Compatibility: What the Moon Says About Your Relationship

Are you crushing and your co-worker, unsure of how to make your move? Are you experiencing misunderstandings or disagreements with your current partner? If you answered “yes” to either of these questions, this guide is for you. You’ve probably heard of astrological compatibility, a concept that typically looks at the

Your Zodiac Sign’s Shadow & Light Sides – and How to Navigate Them

Everything has a balance. Good can’t exist without bad, life can’t exist without death, and light can’t exist without darkness. Is it surprising then that this is also true for the twelve zodiac signs? When it comes to understanding how the good and bad traits in one person work uniquely

Astrology & Animals: Understanding Your Pet’s Personality

​Have you ever met an animal that was hyper like wind blowing through leaves? Perhaps you’ve met an aggressive animal that reminded you of a raging fire or a very slow-moving lovable pet that loved to sleep? The elements of astrology are one way we can begin to understand why

Elemental Compatibility: The Elements & Your Love Life

​One of the first things that many of us do when entering a budding new relationship is to observe and take stock of our level of compatibility – and there are many ways to do that. You can look at the personality traits that each of you share and hobbies

The Truth About Astrological Compatibility

One of the first things people like to discover when it comes to astrology is compatibility between signs. Astrology can be a fun, unique way to try to determine whether or not you and your match are right for each other. But astrological compatibility may be more complex than you

Sister Sign Compatibility: Can Opposites Really Attract?

​It’s a saying we’ve all heard, “opposites attract.” As a popular trope in television and movies, it mostly serves to highlight the superficial comedic difference between two larger than life characters; however, we all know that in our interpersonal lives, having somebody with different traits, morals and ways of thinking

Understanding Yin & Yang: A Philosophy of Balance

Yin and Yang are terms that many people have undoubtedly heard before, but how many of us know their true meaning or what these two words mean? What is the Philosophy of Yin & Yang? In a nutshell, Yin and Yang is the belief that all things contradict one another

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