Search Results for: taurus horoscope – Page 11 Articles

Lucky Horoscopes for All Zodiac Signs

Luck isn’t usually something you can bank on. It happens whether you’re ready for it or not. And while even astrology can’t dictate exactly how luck will find you at any given time, it can help predict when. Planets move in one of two ways: direct (forward, at a normal

Love Astrology: Celebrity Horoscope Compatibility by the Zodiac Sign

Ah, there are quizzes all over the place you can take to tell you what celebrity will be your ideal mate. Did you know, you can have a look at this from an astrological perspective, too? Just for fun, let’s have a look at the sun signs and their celebrity

woman with red hair and pale skin with her eyes closed

Here’s Everything You Need to Know About THIS Upcoming Lunar Eclipse

On October 28th, 2023, we’ll experience a Lunar Eclipse in Taurus, and this is a significant eclipse. It’s the third Taurus Lunar Eclipse we’ve had in three years (starting in 2021) and the last eclipse we’ll have in Taurus (it’ll be eight years before we have another Taurus eclipse). Lunar

yellow full moon in the night sky peaking through the trees

Are You Prepared For THIS Intense Full Moon & Solar Eclipse?

On November 8th, 2022, we’ll experience a Full Moon and Lunar eclipse in Taurus! We’re in eclipse season, and this is the time for big developments, big decisions, and big events. Lunar Eclipses occur with Full Moon, which occurs when the Sun and Moon oppose in the zodiac. Lunar Eclipses

Everything You Need to Know About the Astrological Houses

Are you interested in learning more about astrology, but feeling overwhelmed by all of the new information you’re trying to keep track of? If you answered “yes,” this quick guide on the astrological houses is for you. Astrology involves a lot more than just your daily horoscope, and when you’re

A black woman closes her eyes in pleasure as she enters through a shiny, glittery silver door covering.

These 6 Zodiac Signs are Most Compatible with Pisces

One of the most loving signs of the zodiac is easy-going Pisces. Pisces are a gift to this world because of their ability to see beauty where others would not. Their creative, open minds allow them a unique sensory experience of being human, so the zodiac signs that are compatible

Weekly Forecast

Weekly Astrology Forecast: November 25th, 2024 Welcome to another segment of the Weekly Forecast! We are beginning this week with a slightly rough start. On Monday, Mercury will go retrograde. As usual, this transit lasts three weeks, and during this time, plans may go awry and not as expected. Avoid

november abundance forecast

Your Weekly Astrology Forecast: March 3rd – 9th, 2025

You can anticipate a very relaxed week, astrologically speaking, and as always, it is advisable to use this time to lay low, rest, recuperate, and internalize/process all the energetic shifts and changes that occurred over the previous week! We start the week with a supportive planetary shift: Mercury the planet

brunette woman in a white dress floating in water on her back

Everything You Need to Know About Venus Retrograde & What It Means for You

When we see that a planet will be going retrograde soon in our astrology calendar, it is common to feel a sense of foreboding. But there’s no need to worry about the word “retrograde.” Yes, Mercury retrograde gets a bad rep, but when Venus goes retrograde, it is actually a

A pale woman with white hair sits looking at the camera. A yellow flower is blurred in the left corner.

Your Weekly Astrology Forecast: February 24th – March 2nd, 2025

This week is going to be filled with softness, emotions, creativity, and magical vibes as we have the New Moon in Pisces. As we always say, New Moons are the best time to initiate new ventures and plant seeds for what we want to create and build within our lives.

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