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two silhouettes of people gazing at a purple and blue starry sky

Read Your Weekly Astrology Forecast for January 9 – 15, 2023

How do you feel about a week of determination, action, and letting go? If that sounds good to you, keep reading to find out what the stars are bringing your way this week! Two transits are bringing the majority of the astrological energy this week, starting with Mars – the

woman in a red jumper against a red background jumping up

This Feisty Red Planet is Making Moves Next Week

2023 began with the red planet Mars, retrograde in Gemini, and Mars direct occurs next week. Let energy return! About Mars Retrograde & Direct A planet is retrograde when it appears to move backward through the zodiac. This can throw the energy of the planet off since normal motion is

person on a hill with a telescope looking at a starry blue and white sky

Your Weekly Astrology Forecast: January 2 – 8, 2023

Are you ready for a week of exciting yet balanced energy? Let’s look at the stars and what they have to bring our way this week.  There are two major transits this week, and while on their own, they may feel overwhelming, when connected, they bring us a healthy balance

blue tarot card deck spread along a white table with a pair of hands holding one card with crystals and wood

Read Your Weekly Tarotscope for January 2 – 8, 2023, Right Now

It’s time to see what the first full week of this year has in store for us. We’ll first be kicking things off with Venus, planet of love and beauty, entering sociable yet independent Aquarius on the 2nd. If you think that’s exciting, we’ll also almost immediately be having our

man at a distance standing on a clifftop with a starry blue and purple sky behind him

Read Your Weekly Astrology Forecast: December 26 – January 1, 2023

Are you rejuvenated from the holiday season and ready to tackle exciting new challenges? Let’s discuss the demanding yet ultimately rewarding astro-energy coming your way this week! Brace yourself – because planted right between the holidays and the new year comes the arrival of the infamous Mercury retrograde period, this

pile of blue tarot cards on a white table covered in candles, crystals, and wood

Read Your Weekly Tarotoscope for December 26 – January 1, 2023

We may be readying ourselves for the energy of 2023, but the tail end of 2022 isn’t to be scoffed at either! At this time of the year, it’s tempting to brush 2022 aside and wait patiently (or maybe not-so-patiently) for the excitement of a new year to steamroll over

three people with their hands in the air against a blue and purple starry night

Read Your Weekly Astrology Forecast: December 19 – 25, 2022

Are you ready for some grounded, earthy energy after the fiery storm of Sagittarius season? Then the stars are here to give you what you need this week! Two major transits this week catapult us into responsible Capricorn season – starting with the Sun moving into Capricorn on December 21st!

man outside with his arms outstretched to a starry blue and yellow sky

Read Your Weekly Astrology Forecast for December 12 – 18 Right Now

Do you desire a relaxed week with plenty of time for both work and fun? Then you’ll love this week’s astrology forecast, as the stars are bringing some pleasant vibes your way! Only one major transit is taking place this week, but we’re starting off strong in sunny Sagittarius season

gleeful woman in pink with short brown hair smiling holding pink balloons

This is Exactly What You Should Manifest in 2023, Based on Your Zodiac Sign

2023 is just around the corner. You may be wondering exactly how yearly manifestations work. Simply put, it involves writing a note to the Universe (or even just saying it in your head is fine) and telling it what you want for the rest of the year. Intentions, intentions! Manifestation

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