Search Results for: taurus horoscope – Page 31 Articles

silhouette of a person standing on mountain gazing up at a starry blue sky

Your Weekly Astrology Forecast: December 5 – 11, 2022

Are you ready for a chance to let go and a bit of grounded energy amidst the fiery excitement of Sagittarius season? Then the stars are bringing just the energy you need through three major transits this week! As we continue through fiery Sagittarius season, you can expect a bit

hand over top of a blue tarot card on a white table with other tarot cards and crystals spread out

Your Sign’s Weekly Tarotscope for December 5 – 11, 2022

In case you’ve missed it, Sagittarius season is here… but we’re already onto the next big piece of astro news — say hello to these Capricorn transits. Venus and Mercury will be moving into this grounded, practical sign this week. First, it’ll be Mercury (planet of communication and thought) entering

person standing on a hill with arms outstretched against a grey and blue starry sky

Weekly Astrology Forecast: November 28 – December 4, 2022

Do you long for a bit of dreamy, confident energy that fuels both your creativity and your vulnerability? Then there are two transits that are connecting the magic between Sagittarius and Pisces, ready to inspire and encourage you! While we’re just starting to enjoy the benefits of fiery Sagittarius season

hand holding an array of blue tarot cards over top of a white table with candles and crystals

Read Your Weekly Tarotoscope for November 28 – December 4, 2022

With Sagittarius season in full swing, we’re now in the heat of the Fire full-time. And as the end of 2022 is nearing the corner, plenty of us could use the adrenaline! This week doesn’t feature as many earth-shaking events as we may have gotten so used to over the

man standing under a tree in front of a pink and blue starry night

Your Weekly Astrology Forecast: November 21 – 27, 2022

Are you ready for an abundance of Jupiter-ruled, abundant Sagittarian energy?! Then you’re in for quite a few treats this week, as the stars are here to lift your mood and bring good fortune your way! We’ve got two major transits coming our way this week that perfectly embody the

blue tarot cards spread across a white table with crystals and candles

Your Weekly Tarotoscopes for November 21 – 27, 2022

Ready or not, we’re embracing a week of Fire, passion, and action. And why is that, you may wonder? Sagittarius energy was rolled out slowly starting last week, with Venus and Mercury both entering the sign of the wild archer. But this week, the Sun itself will be moving into

man sitting on the edge of a cliff shining a light up to a blue starry sky

Weekly Astrology Forecast: Nov 14 – 20, 2022

Get ready for some heat, passion, and empowering energy this week! There are three major transits that are here to spice things up and help you feel excited about life! On November 16th, we’ll get two major transits in one day – the Last Quarter Moon in Leo and the

hand holding out a spread of blue tarot cards over a white table with candles and rose petals

Your Sign’s Weekly Tarotscope for November 14 – 20, 2022

Sweet, adventurous Sagittarius season isn’t for another week, but that doesn’t mean you’re going to escape the energy of the archer for now, either. That’s right — this week sees Venus enter Sagittarius on the 16th and Mercury enter Sagittarius on the 17th. That’s two major planets (one of love

silhouette of a man sitting next to a telescope pointed up at a starry grey sky

Weekly Astrology Forecast: November 7 – 13, 2022

Are you ready to face hidden emotions, embrace your shadow, and invite more gratitude into your life? Then we have one major transit that will illuminate your world this week! This life-changing transit is a Full Moon and Lunar eclipse in the grounded sign of Taurus, taking place on November

couple standing on a hill looking at a green starry night

Weekly Astrology Forecast: October 31 – November 6, 2022

Are you prepared to make fundamental, even revolutionary, changes in your life to make way for your biggest dreams to come true? Then there is one major transit setting you up for success this week – if you choose to utilize its energy.  While this is a relatively calm week,

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