Search Results for: taurus horoscope – Page 33 Articles

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Weekly Astrology Forecast: September 26 – October 2, 2022

How would you feel about some lighthearted, loving vibes plus an end to one of the most challenging transits of the year? If you’re ready to breathe a sigh of relief and have a little fun with friends, then the stars have your back this week. There are two major transits

man on a hill starring at the stars

Weekly Astrology Forecast: September 19 – 25, 2022

Do you crave a sense of balance and harmony amidst the chaos of Mercury retrograde? Then this week has two transits in store for you that will help you feel more centered and aligned with the Universe, so get excited! On September 22nd, the Sun enters Airy Libra, marking the beginning of

Your Key to Survival: Read this Mercury Retrograde Forecast Report

It’s official! The cosmic messenger—Mercury—stations retrograde on September 9th, in Libra, for the third time this year, which means that we will be experiencing significant shifts and changes in our lives throughout this period. There’s a good chance that you’ve heard the phrase, “Mercury is retrograde.” So often, this event

Weekly Astrology Forecast: September 12 – 18, 2022

Do you need a week to unwind, clear your head, and prepare yourself for the upcoming lunar cycle? Then the stars bring just the rest and relaxation you need this week! While Mercury is still retrograde, we are getting an astrological break this week, with only one major transit to

Are You One of the Strongest Zodiac Signs? (Or the Weakest?!)

We’ve all crossed paths with someone and instantly felt intimated or influenced by their presence. You know those individuals whose energy captivates and dominates a room and exudes major “don’t mess with me” vibes. All the zodiac signs have strengths and weaknesses, all possessing characteristics and energy that have the

Mercury Just Went Retrograde: Find Out What it Means for Your Sign

Buckle up, folks – It’s that time of the year yet again. It’s this year’s third but not last Mercury retrograde, occurring in Libra, and bound to bring us chaos and whirlwind drama. Mercury is spinning backward beginning September 9th, 2022, in the balance-seeking sign of Libra. Then it stations

Your Sign’s Weekly Tarotscope for September 12 – 18, 2022

It’s time to check in with your weekly Tarotscope! Although last week had us being the busiest of bees, we’re able to wind down and settle into the recent astrological shifts this week. The most astrologically significant event you’ll see on the table for this week is the Last Quarter

Weekly Astrology Forecast: September 5 – 11, 2022

Are you prepared for some astrological changes that will bring exciting new experiences into your life? Then the stars have your back this week with three transits that will rock your world—in a great way! First up is our planet of love and beauty—Venus—which moves into grounded, stable Virgo on

Weekly Astrology Forecast: August 29 – September 4, 2022

After the last few weeks, have the stars left you yearning for an astrological break? This week is your chance to catch your breath, rest, and relax, thanks to this week’s astro-energy! We have only one major transit to contend with this week, you finally have the opportunity to focus

Your Sign’s Weekly Tarotscope for August 29 – September 4, 2022

Welcome to the beginnings of September 2022 — ready to tie up your August with a neat bow and start a new month off on the right foot? This week doesn’t feature a set of wildly turbulent nor extremely exciting astrological events, so you’re safe from more potentially uncomfortable astro-weather

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