Search Results for: taurus horoscope – Page 34 Articles

Weekly Astrology Forecast: August 22 – 28, 2022

Do you crave focus, motivation, friendly conversations, and the opportunity to manifest your biggest dreams for the next month? Then the stars are bringing quite a few treats your way this week! On August 22nd, the Sun moves into sensible, grounded Virgo, marking the beginning of earthy Virgo season! This

Weekly Astrology Forecast: August 15 – 21, 2022

Do you feel prepared to clear the way for new energy and opportunities while embracing heightened passion for creativity, conversations, and crafts? Then there are two transits flowing your way this week that will leave you excited and ready for new beginnings! On August 19th, the Last Quarter Moon lands

What is the Universe Trying to Tell You This August?

When you combine the Law of Attraction with astrology, you learn how to make it easier for the Universe to manifest and support your desires and dreams. Manifestation is multidimensional, and we can intentionally harness cosmic momentum to fuel our manifestation practices and attract abundance into our lives. Further, the

Money & Wealth

Each of the 12 astrological houses in our birth charts tells us about a certain area of our lives. While the sign or planet in your 3rd house will tell you a lot about how you communicate and express yourself, the 10th house is one of the three houses (including the 2nd and 6th houses) that can help

Weekly Astrology Forecast: August 8 – 14, 2022

Are you ready to let go of toxic relationships and say hello to new, exciting connections and grand romantic gestures? Then the stars are here to bring some fresh, dynamic energy into your social world this week! This week, astrology is shaking things up with two powerhouse transits, both occurring

Weekly Astrology Forecast: August 1 – 7, 2022

Do you seek mental clarity, objectivity, and the ability to go deep within and use your spiritual guidance to help you make moves towards your ultimate path? Then there are two exciting transits to prepare yourself for this week! On August 4th, Mercury—the planet of communication, information, the mind, and

Your Sign’s Weekly Tarotscope for August 1 – 7, 2022

Welcome to August — ready to kick things off on a strong note? There are not many major astrological bumps this week. Mercury, the planet of communication and thought, will be transiting into equally communicative Virgo midway this week on the 4th. This transit is ideal for getting your plans

Weekly Astrology Forecast: July 25 – 31, 2022

Are you ready for transformative, introspective energy that brings about another kind of manifestation? Then buckle up! We’ve got two major transits—occurring on the same day—that are bringing dynamic energy and spiritual growth your way! On July 28th, we’ve got a New Moon in Fire sign Leo coming our way,

Your Sign’s Weekly Tarotscope for July 25 – 31, 2022

Are you ready for a New Moon AND Jupiter Retrograde to take this week by storm? Let’s review: on the 28th, the New Moon in Leo will initiate us fully into the bold and beautiful energy of the lion (just in case you weren’t already embracing the dramatic flair of

Weekly Astrology Forecast: July 18 – 24, 2022

Do you crave bright, warm energy that boosts confidence, fills your spirit with motivation, and intensifies creativity? Then get ready to let your light sparkle all around you because the stars are going big and bold this week! We have three fiery transits that will trigger your imagination, help you

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