Search Results for: taurus horoscope – Page 43 Articles

What Angel Deck You Should Buy, Based on Your Zodiac Sign

You’ve heard of an oracle deck and have probably ventured into the mystical world of Tarot. But what about angel decks? Whether you work with or send your intentions to angels or not, anyone can use an angel deck to gain insight and understanding from the divine. Think about how

Try These Grounding Mantra Meditations for the Earth Signs

As an Earth sign, you’re known for your stability and practicality. You keep everything real and show an interest in material things. Yet, let’s take a moment to ground you and connect with your spiritual side — something that you might not do all that often but you might desperately

Weekly Astrology Forecast: January 3 – 9, 2022

Have the holidays left you feeling stressed, unmotivated, and disconnected? Breathe a sigh of relief because the transits you’re going to experience this week bring out a sense of connection, harmony, and the drive to make the most of this fresh start! While the transits occurring this week are minor,

What’s the Worst Thing That Could Happen to Your Zodiac Sign in 2022?

Folks, it’s officially bye-bye, 2021! Are you ready to pop champagne and ring in 2022? Raise your hand if this is you on January 1st (we see you, Capricorns, and Virgos!) Filled out new year planner – check! Vision board created – check! Journaled your affirmations – check! Eagerly awaiting

Weekly Astrology Forecast: December 27, 2021 – January 2, 2022

Have you been yearning for increased intuition, innovative conversations, and more focus? Then it’s time to get excited because your week is about to get more exciting than ever! Our first thrilling transit occurs on December 28th, when our benevolent planet, Jupiter, moves into compassionate, loving Pisces. Jupiter is the

10 Affirmations for Ambitious Capricorn Season

Being both the last stretch of 2021 and the simultaneous kick-off for 2022, Capricorn season can easily feel like a huge “make or break” moment for many of us. The pressure to check off any final boxes for 2021 coupled with the desire to set any exciting New Year’s resolutions

Weekly Astrology Forecast: December 20 – 26, 2021

Do you need a bit of focus and a sense of calm to get things done this week? Then the stars are here to give you what you need, just in time for the holidays! We have only one major transit to discuss this week, and that is the beginning

Weekly Astrology Forecast: December 13 – 19, 2021

Are you prepared for a week of passion, focus, and a chance to release whatever is no longer serving you? Then prepare your cold brew coffee and get ready for a week of motivation and positivity! This week starts off strong with two major transits on December 13th – Aggressive

Weekly Astrology Forecast: December 6 – 12, 2021

Do you need a boost of energy to catch up before the holiday season? Then prepare your cold brew coffee and get ready for a week of motivation and positivity! We’re going to discuss a couple of minor lunar transits this week because the stars are taking a break! That’s

Make Sure You’re Prepared for 2022 Eclipse Season with this Helpful Guide

A transformative, powerful eclipse is just around the corner! Are you ready? Each year, we experience myriad Solar and Lunar eclipses, each one bringing with it differing, changing energies. With one eclipse just around the corner and many others to come our way in 2022, this may be the perfect

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