Search Results for: taurus horoscope โ€“ Page 50 Articles

Your Unique Love Language According to Your Zodiac Sign

What is the meaning of a love language? The way you express and receive love depends on the love language you and your partner use. Of course, each zodiac sign has a special way of expressing feelings based on their different personality traits! Itโ€™s important to note that not all

Weekly Astrology Forecast: February 8 โ€“ 14, 2021

The big news for this weekโ€™s astrology overview is the New Moon in the Air sign of Aquarius, which happens on Thursday! This starts a fresh cycle of creative inspiration, allowing you to start your manifesting process with renewed energy. Another big event? The Chinese New Year, which is based

How to Build Your Bank Account, Based on Your Zodiac Sign

There is no doubt that the worldwide pandemic has hit everyone hard in one way or another. Financially, many people are facing some kind of struggle. Worry, stress, and concern have skyrocketed, and many are concerned about their finances, which are looking increasingly unpredictable and volatile. There is some good

How to Navigate Relationships With Venus Conjunct Saturn & Uranus

Have your relationships been feeling extra challenging right now? You can thank Venus conjunct Saturn and Venus square Uranus coming up for that! Venus is the planet of love and relationships, so anything involving Venus can impact that part of our lives. Maybe not the greatest with Valentineโ€™s Day approaching,

Weekly Astrology Forecast: February 1 โ€“ 7, 2021

The major event in this weekโ€™s astrology overview is Venus moving into the Air sign of Aquarius on Monday. With the Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Jupiter in Aquarius, we can expect our inspiration to be high and our courage to match it! Aquarian energy is all about innovating new solutions

How to Move Forward Your Great Conjunction Goals

Fellow earthlings, we are in a MAJOR time astrologically! And I donโ€™t mean for the month, or the year, or even the decade โ€“ I mean in like, human history! Last month, on December 21st, 2020, we had what was called the Great Conjunction, which is when Jupiter and Saturn

Weekly Astrology Forecast: January 25 โ€“ 31, 2021

We have two big astrological events this week that you wonโ€™t want to miss friends! The first is the Leo Full Moon on Thursday, which promises to add a bit of fun to the week. The second major astrological event to be aware of for this weekโ€™s astrology overview is

Weekly Astrology Forecast: January 18 โ€“ 24, 2021

A Full Moon is on its way, and you donโ€™t want to miss the details in this astrology forecast! This week is all about expanding creativity and making new interesting connections. The stars have made it a perfect week to take big strides towards your major goals as we approach

Which Are the Most Futuristic Minded Signs of the Zodiac?

This is a brand-new year, and astrologically speaking, it will be one of the most innovative years in recent history. On December 21st, we experienced The Great Conjunction, an alignment between Saturn and Jupiter in the sign of Aquarius โ€“ the most futuristic sign of the zodiac. And as a

You Need to Know the Details of This Aquarius Stellium

This is something you cannot miss! We hope youโ€™re ready earthlings, because as of about a week ago, we entered an Aquarius stellium! Jupiter and Saturn both moved into Aquarius mid-December 2020, and Mercury entered Aquarius on January 8th, 2021. The Sun joins them in Aquarius in a few days