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Weekly Astrology Forecast: January 11 – 17, 2021

This week’s astrology overview has two major, exciting events you simply cannot miss. A New Moon and a planet moving direct are both happening. What an expansive few days the planets have lined up for you! First up is the January 2021 New Moon in Capricorn, which occurs this Wednesday.

Capricorn Woman Personality Traits & Characteristics

The Capricorn woman is born December 22nd – January 20th, so she shares her birthday with the craziness of the holidays but also the excitement of the turning of a new year when we set our sights high and are reinvigorated to pursue our goals. The Capricorn sign is goal-oriented

Weekly Astrology Forecast: January 4 – 10, 2021

Did you know? There are three inner planets switching signs in this week’s astrology overview. Mars is entering Taurus, Mercury is entering Aquarius, and Venus is entering Capricorn. This will feel like an energetic adjustment and possibly confusing, but it will make waves for some exciting changes. Be sure to

Capricorn Man Personality Traits & Characteristics

The Capricorn male is anyone born around December 21 to January 20. The Capricorn sign offers him a strong and intimidating personality that can allow him to achieve great success and be a formidable leader. He takes life seriously and is someone who will also take your personal trials seriously

Weekly Astrology Forecast: December 28, 2020 – January 3, 2021

Hello beautiful souls! Are you ready for some magic in your personal life? With so many retrogrades over, we can finally see the future we want and manifest it properly. Thursday night, we get to say “Happy New Year” as we welcome January 2021 to our lives with the Sun

Make Plans for Your Dreams With Mercury Trine Uranus

This is the time of year when we all start looking forward, hoping to embark on a brand new year with brand new adventures. That is even more so the case after the way 2020 went! Today, we get some help for this with a new beginnings transit: Mercury trine

Weekly Astrology Forecast: December 21 – 27, 2020

It’s time to find out what magic is in store for you with the spectacular Great Conjunction and winter solstice happening on December 21st! The week’s astrology overview kicks off with the sacred winter solstice on the same day the Sun moves into the Earth sign of Capricorn. Capricorn season

Weekly Astrology Forecast: December 14 – 20, 2020

Hello beautiful souls! This week offers a rare opportunity in the 2020 forecast to start something truly epic. 2020 has been preparing you for this moment, where you can be reborn. With Venus, Saturn, Jupiter, and Mercury switching signs, and an incredible New Moon Solar eclipse on Monday, you’re sure

Seize Opportunities for Success With These 4 Planets

At this very moment, we are in a period that is heightened for potential astrology success thanks to Venus sextile Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto. Venus is one of the beneficial planets, making Venus one of the astrology planets you can use for success. Venus sextile Pluto and continues into next

Weekly Astrology Forecast: December 7 – 13, 2020

Eclipse season often brings changes in the major areas of life, including our love lives. So what can you expect this week in astrology? Hello beautiful souls! We are in the midst of eclipse season, a powerful time for meditation and deepening your spiritual connection. But that’s not all. We

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