Search Results for: taurus horoscope – Page 57 Articles

Your Weekly Astrology Overview: May 25-31, 2020

Welcome to your astrology forecast for the week of May 25 – May 31 beautiful souls! After two very busy astrological weeks, we finally have some peace and quiet. We are in the lull before the storm this week but in a positive way and here is why. Two eclipses

Your Weekly Astrology Overview: May 18-24, 2020

Welcome, beautiful souls – to your astrology forecast for the week of May 18 – May 24! It’s time to say goodbye to Taurus season. This week, the Sun begins its transit of Gemini on Thursday. With the Sun in this sign, we will have lots of ideas and want

Your Weekly Astrology Overview: May 11-17, 2020

Welcome to your astrology forecast for the week of May 11 – May 17 beautiful souls! We have Mercury moving into Gemini on Monday and that is not nearly all folks! After last week, This week might feel like you’re getting turned upside down and inside out because we have

The House Plant You Need, Based on Your Zodiac Sign

Spring is approaching, flowers are blooming, and plants are coming back to life after a long, cold winter. Have you been thinking about filling your space with the healing energy of a house plant as the world begins to blossom around you? If you have, this guide is for you!

Your Weekly Astrology Overview: May 4-10, 2020

Welcome to your astrology forecast for the week of May 4-10, beautiful souls! Goodbye, last week and hello Full Moon! One of the big events this week is a Full Moon in the sultry Water sign of Scorpio on Thursday. You’ll start to see it’s effects on Tuesday and they

Your Weekly Astrology Overview: April 27 – May 3, 2020

Welcome to your astrology forecast for the week of April 27 – May 3, beautiful souls! We have Mercury switching signs on Monday, April 27 which means the planet that most heavily influences the way we think and communicate is no longer in impulsive Aries but in luxury and romance-loving

Your Weekly Astrology Overview: April 20-26, 2020

Welcome to your astrology forecast for the week of April 20-26, 2020, beautiful souls! Last week was slow, but the planets are very busy this week. We start out kicking off Taurus season and are welcoming the new sensual energy of Venus-ruled Taurus now that the Sun is transiting the

Your Weekly Astrology Overview: April 13-19, 2020

Welcome to your astrology forecast for the week of April 13-19, beautiful souls! Last week was a rush, but now it’s time to slow down. This week is not a time for starting new projects as the Moon hits the last quarter phase Tuesday and is waning until the New

Your Weekly Astrology Overview: April 6-12, 2020

Welcome to your astrology forecast for the week of April 6-12, beautiful souls! Heads up, last week was slow but this week could spell love for many of us and we will see people making bold public statements because of what is happening with Mercury, the communication planet. One of

Your Weekly Astrology Overview: March 30 – April 5, 2020

Welcome to your astrology forecast for the week of March 30 – April 5 beautiful souls! Mars moves into the Air sign Aquarius to start the week encouraging us to be a part of the team and find new motivation after last week’s lul. Then we have the planet of

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